Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I’m an American native with English as my first language, and one I aced in every class into college.
“This year” is could be a Washington state thing to mean relative year primarily.
Being academically English is different to day to day stuff.

You made a very major misunderstanding of something I said earlier, which should not have been made by a native speaker.

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Looks like we British need to get the 13 colonies back again they sunk far to low lmao

I’m Australian, actually, so you dole bludgers up there in woop woop can get rooted.

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13 colonies was the old name of amarican m8 lol

You said “we British”. I am not British.

I am half Scottish so I use Aye and we when I’m joking m8

Scotland is part of Britain.

Just wanted to throw this out, it is intriguing that we have yet to see any ships or aircraft. I’ve personally not enjoyed the past 2 updates as I felt most stuff was rather stale. IMO of course. Also passed my mind will we see a tech tree A-6 soon? Not that it’s especially needed by Smin did say that we would get a TT model in a “later update”.

Yea I my dad side is English when my mums dad side is Scottish so I’m atcually British thinking about it

I’d like to see the A-6E SWIP in the US tech tree, as well as some of the worse high tier flight models like the Tornado ADVs and JA37D get AMRAAMs for testing before they get added to anything better.

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Britain is Scotland, Wales, and England, so yes, you are indeed British.

Agreed. I’d also not mind having the A-6A as a event aircraft at around 9.7-10.3

But yea back to bed again night

Premium F-14, yes please.

Absolutely not. I’m incredibly sick and tired of air rewards being ground attack vehicles.
I want to grind AIR events to get vehicles that are good in AIR battles, not ground battles. It is so supremely frustrating to keep getting shitty attackers with good missiles tossed on it. I just want good fighters to use in AIR battles. Instead they continually pander to ground/cas players for the last year of event rewards


I am looking forward to a more modern missile DD or frigate.
Bravy has paved the way for DD with missiles. Now we just need to keep going. I would like to see more modern ships!


Well this event we have an aircraft that’s only good in air battles.

? It gets TV guided missiles that the Su-39/25T dont get, the 73s are a feature yes, but the 39/25K are gonna get them soon too (also the airframe is a bit subpar at 11.3)
