Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Btw Mobile Event has no end date currently

Glad Russia is getting more tanks, they needed that…


that one is reasonable at least, it just turns into an issue if russia gets more then another mid tier aircraft

yasss give us more

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Hatsuzuki is a sister ship of Akizuki, as far as I know she should be a direct copy of Aki with maybe the exception of camo of course.

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ASU-85: Am i a joke to you?

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What bothers me a bit is that they just made a massive br. change to prevent early tier V cold War MBTs from facing tier IV last gen heavy tanks, and the first vehicle they present for the new update is a tank with HEAT rounds which is most likely going to share the same BR as the usual King Tigers etc. Not that it’s a massive problem, just a bit underwhelming IMO.

The 2S1 doesn’t have an autoloader right? So 12 second reload with only 5 HEAT rounds?

Seems meh. Wonder what BR

imma guess 7.7

You are aware that , that is a tank destroyer not a light tank?

it is HEAD not HEAD-FS, the mentioned HEAD rounds can already be foung in 2.0 germany, so i wouldnt worry about it to much

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No way! Its even got scouting and everything!

yeah gets scouting, but still a difference

The obligatory Soviet/Russian Vehicle to buff the suffering TT, what else to expect.


The 2S1 is also an SPG by the way

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Seams like it yea
the Roland System(not vt) is from around the same time has aim9L so yea very ridiculous

well if you prefered it , i could complain and say russia doesnt deserve or need this vehicle at all

VT is French too, it’s the Crotale missile

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Unironically glad they’ve given Russia some heat slinging SPG though. It would be extremely welcome if it turned out this and maybe a low/mid tier aircraft is all they get.

Let UK and Japan take the stage. Give minor nations some lovin


it is HEAD and not HEAD-FS so i am not even to much concerned about it