Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

A way to go yet. Would not expect them soon at all.


Argonian pack is available:

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It also won't do very well there unless they undertier it with the R-73's. Whatever it is, it won't be fun there as it's still a CAS aircraft, albeit it not a good one apparently.

you lack the color that makes your comment stand out

On one hand, I should be able to get the vehicles I want due to having free time. On the other hand, the grind will likely drive me insane.

But I want those top tier summer rewards.

Fixed that for you :)



might have gotten the lizard bundle alone , but i am not intrested in that vehicle

There’s an option to buy it separately

So with the data we got here are my guesses.

Red = 0%
Orange = 35%
Yellow = 50%
Green =100%

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Roughly 2 weeks like i said

Oh u got a link for that one? Didnt find it

HMS Renown, another vehicle from the leaks now appearing ingame

We’re another step closer to the end-of battleships which had also appeared in that leak.

Just a heads-up, it 's 114mm secondaries are already ingame on the high-detail HMS Illustrious(87), where they are only provided w/ time-fuze rather than having proxy shells. Maybe that’ll change once this new ship is ingame, but it 's something to keep in mind until then.

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Q: Who is TKS

A: The Scottish Koala

something is wrong here…


But he stopped making videos

As long as there is a dev server before September 11th I’ll be happy!

If we don’t get the gun launched atgms for the CT-CV im gonna be very sad …

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So I might hope new attack aircraft 11.7 or 12.0 or 12.3 toptier rank 8 from USMC or USAF without long-range anti-radiation missile (ARM) and long-range anti-ship missile (AShM) Q3 or Q4 because think gajin not ready consider long-range anti-radiation missile (ARM) & long-range anti-ship missile (AShM) this year

USA tech tree rank 5 & rank 6 no new jet bomber and no supersonic strategic bomber

Gajin not add new battleship toptier from royal navy for a long time

I was secretly hoping dev consider new battleship toptier under HMS Marlborough (66) or HMS Colossus (24) this year

Are you most interested in navy things?
I’ve read dozens of your posts, and you talking about a 1966 HMS Marlborough just seems like the most excitement in your posts.

I never play ship 2 year but suddenly interested battleship interwar with WW2 refit from great britain & USA, and Battlecruiser WW2 from USA

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