Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I’m really starting to worry about the SUMMER event, it has never taken this long, looking at the wiki, most summer events would have actually started by now, let alone be announced. I realize we just had the Atomic Heart crossover event but still, that’s quite niche compared to a normal summer event that a lot of people take part in.

Gaijin had a major hiccup in May that caused increased workload unexpectedly, so… everything but major updates are going to see different times.
Atomic Thunder may have been slated for June before things had to be adjusted for priority.

true but still, should have these things planned months in advance, or I would think. Still alot of props to the devs for listening to the community over the past 3 months.

Didn’t smin say “stay tuned for news” regarding the event? Why are y’all panicking. Just sit back and relax. They will make the announcement sooner or later.


On god, folks got no patience on here.

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McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat would be cool as hell though.

Definitely more interesting than 10th Magach or Mig version.

I am moving soon so my FOMO is ramping up. The longer this here takes the greater the risk for me. Don’t have internet at that place yet.

Ngl it amazing to me in the last few years how selfish the WT player base have gone.

Everyone just wants something immediately.

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Is it really that surprising after years of oppression, being at the mercy of Russian bias, exploitative economy, extortionist events (better now with score system), volumetric tomfoolery and vehicle gatekeeping, just to name a few?

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From a consoler player’s point of view, I would really appreciate it if Gaijin could set up a trading system for the main prizes of this type of events in order to get the ones that were previously offered.

After all, I get my Sd.Kfz.234/4 with this kind of trading during the « [Marathon] S.U.M.M.E.R. Engineering School - News - War Thunder » event in 2018.

An annual rerun Event across all platforms, score based, optional challenges that boost progression, old vehicles like T55E1, IS-7, Ka-Chi etc as rewards. PC players can trade Coupons, Consoles get suitable options.

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This would be a good compromise for all of us, but Gaijin would really want to do that ?

No, because the boot on our face is more pleasing to them than the outreaching hand that might get bitten.

Although I personally see it as a very innovative idea with great potential.

Who is TKS?

Whats is “NF”?

I like Tims Variety’s reviews. They are so nicely done. Also someone with a good technical background for such things.

NF = Naval forces
GF = Ground forces
AF = Air forces

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The Scottish koala m8.

There will never be a trading system as that would enable RMT, Real Money Trading.

He 's plagiarized a couple of my R&R posts/image galleries for video content …

Never heard of him, will check him out.

I guess thats where he gets his “quick” info then 🤣

But yeah, without referencing/thanking you thats bad manner.