Someone tell me who's the genius that thinks that the sea fury is as much of a 5.7 plane as the f4u 4b, the bf109 k4, the yak3u and the ki84 otsu

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Could have at least kept it in your last thread about the sea fury, no need to make a new one with basically the same topic as the last one


if people keep asking for something they will get it. That’s how it works.

Everyone wanted the r27er? they were given the r27er. Everyone wanted the aim7m? they were given teh aim7m. Sea fury is unpopular and nearly nobody plays it because it’s utter garbage, and KD their way through teamwork and stuff.

My last thread got hidden.

Gee i wonder why 💀


so far , the

asking for this seem to be limited to a very small group, mainly made up of You and Yourself. I havent seen other threads on the sea fury. Who knows maybe they exist, but i havent seen them .

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Pretty sure that if i searched some of those topics, at least half of the threads would be yours.

You seem to want to change the game for the better, but only when said changes positively affect your own vehicles / make others worse .

Your posts get flagged because they are tin-foil hat material, not because the world hates you.

You need perspective, go play USSR, Sweden, or whatever other nations you have issues with.

No it’s not. That’s how people (you, cough cough) get your posting privileges revoked

Well that was also a multitude of people. Right now it’s kinda just you and maybe a dozen other people.

Lmao, haven’t you made like 3 of these in the last 5 days?

If only that would happen.
However it seems that everyone is free to post whatever they want, no matter how flawed or bias their view is.

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It can very much indeed happen.

They are, until it’s taken lol

I havent really seen that happen.
Did they recently start doing it?

I haven’t “seen” it happen, but then again they don’t announce it. I have seen it threated a few times by some of the mods. It’s really more of a if you become too disrespectful kinda thing.

IDK when they started doing it

also this topic is literally spam, he has created 2 other topics crying about the sea fury

Original post got flagged, speaking of the devil.
With how bad the flagging system is sometimes, im glad its being used well this time.

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well is it bad tho? thing literally gets outperformed in every metric by everything else at it’s br and below it. It’s so bad even noobs on american attackers just need to dive a little down on it (because they out climb it) to remove all the possibilities it has left. It has only one redeeming quality that is pretty much top speed after a dive which takes gorillion time to achieve it.

you just need to look at this, how much altitude I lose while how little I actually accelerate, then how the heavy attacker manages to cut through my path and out do my stall in the vertical. Do I exaggerate when i say that the vb10 feels better in uptier than this in downtier?

I haven’t played Air RB in a while but I am struggling to think of another plane in the same situation and actions that also wouldn’t have resulted in you killing yourself

You were free, he broke off and you turned killing any speed you just gained (diving against your rudder which is bad for speed) then pulled up into him and turned in front of his guns

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the sea fury has awful shallow dive acceleration to begin with, making it a very easy target for anything that can exceed 680 ias and stay within gun range; and also and can’t barely go 550 at sea level, while the tempest mkv can reach 670 and would have won that dogfight because it also has energy retention while pulling harder at the speeds the sea fury excells at. The Sea Fury is so high because idiots like me (and not-idiots like you) pumped the stats up despite it’s basically a 4.3 plane that can go very fast. The VB-10 can also reach 800 IAS and keep it for long distances after leveling out of a dive, does it mean it should be 5.7 too? I don’t think so.

The Sea Fury doesn’t need to be the best prop in the game (like it was in real life) but there’s a huge difference between being playable and straight up being fodder for anyone with a single synapse and feeding on stupid people getting low and slow. The Dora outdoes it in every metric except top speed which is not far from it, yet it doesn’t matter because it absolutely out accelerates the sea fury, and sits at 5.0 and can actually properly reverse the target instead of helplessly rolling to the ground or getting way too slow to actually pull away, not to mention that the stall control of the 190 is glorious compared to the seafury.

Thats just simply false. According to actual testing here the Sea Fury does 617 on the deck and the Tempest mk V does 630. The Tempest Mk II is the one that reaches 670. Still doesn’t change the fact the plane is dog. It’s just another victim of having 4 cannons resulting in a .7 BR bump.

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You have kept on complaining about this but nothing ever happens because it is a good aircraft you just don’t know how to use it.