In the dev server the su30sm cockpit was fully done but in the recent live server it’s missing some details
1- missing cockpit ufc and control panel and i found this in war thunder live

2- missing cockpit mfd that can show fuel and some data

3-missing the cockpit cover it was in the su30sm(dev)
. in the live server why its like this in my game
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is it the same in your game
That’s in-game right now.
yes the su30sm in the dev server was much different
Well yeah, it had an incorrect thing above the pilot’s head on dev that was correctly removed.
i dont know why they removed it
MFD and button displays are probably the same as on the Typhoon. Were lit up on the dev server and then removed when it went to live because “reasons” (report)
Probably the same for the fuel guage MFD thing.
HUD, might need a bug report, or maybe it was incorrect/placeholder and was fixed?
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There were bug reports indicating dev had some inaccuracies with hud.
yup i understand that but there are no reason to just delete this
If its meant to be there, then bug report it. Just need to find pictures of it there in the actual cockpit.
i think its just a bug and its going to be fixed soon
That’s a training tool not used in actual sorties.
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there is, it was causing sim pilots to have a huge blind spot when looking up, this was part of the training bar and people made a bug report to remove the training bar because there is no reason to keep something that blocks your view and can be removed.
It’s an IFR training bar, I did the bug report that got it removed because it should not be used in combat conditions. Idk why would you want it back when it actually hampers your upward visibility
Wrong. This was intentionally removed for a very good reason. It is a IFR training cover, and is only installed for flight training. It is removed on combat aircraft because it serves no purpose and obstructs visibility
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IIRC the IFR bar is a training device used to teach the pilot how to fly and land the aircraft relying on instruments only (has a little curtain to block the pilots view). It is not installed on frontline aircraft and as such was removed from the model.