I don’t discount the idea that it could happen I simply don’t believe anyone has enough time to waste doing so as you would need to have multiple accounts and have them have active ingame time so you can take action on the forums.
It’s entirely possible and that it is possible is certainly reasoning as to why the forum flagging system in its current state is utterly inane.
I didn’t mention botting I said multiple accounts with ingame playtime. The requirements to post on this forum AFAIK is active ingame matches within the past ~week-month.
That it is the reason you or I get our posts flagged, yes I discount the idea.
That it could potentially happen? No I do not discount the possibility. I simply don’t believe that it is occurring to either you or myself.
I do not disagree with the thread’s topic and would like to see the forum flagging system to be changed either to not hide the post or to go back to the original functionality allowing users to manually view flagged posts. At least with the latter you can continue a conversation.
Doubt that requirement is actually a thing. It’s a thing for posting on the news feed, but I doubt it has anything to bare on the forums considering we’ve had 0 match fresh accounts on here posting.