My start date is February 16th, 2014 coming up in a couple weeks. And looking at my vehicle count the other day I saw I was at 1,993 total vehicles for the game and decided to go ahead and push for the elusive 2,000 mark. I ground out several on Saturday and then got the F-117 Squadron vehicle yesterday at the Daily Log In and finished off the PzH 2000 for number 2,000 (yeah I did that on purpose, kinda slick huh?) to get to the magical number. It has been a long time since I began with just 5 nations and 5 tiers of only planes to begin with. And I have managed to get all the researchable vehicles in all the trees 5 - 6 times, even after tanks came in(yeah it was just Germany & RU at the time, but … . whatever . . .lol) I had stopped grinding specifically for vehicles and started just doing the tasks to get stuff outta the Warbond Shop a good while before the Battle Pass came along, and doing BP stuff is basically all I really do anymore, with events in there some too. It’s less stressful for me, and I still get to “accomplish” things and gather in some vehicles here and there, just my “game within the game” . … we all do it differently. I don’t really play top tier, even tho I have a good many. I just enjoy the game play around the mid - late WW II era more.
Anyway, doing some calculating I found that 2000 vehicles over 11 years comes out to 15.15 per month, or . . . 1 new vehicle every other day . . I put in my grind . . lol

I think they could have thrown in the “Collector” as a title with this “Achievement” as it was a lot harder to accomplish than the “God of War” title I currently use . . lol