With the joke of an update that is the .105 patch, the Su-25SM3 for some comical reason go moved to 11.7, with R-73s, but the JH7A has to remain at 12.3 with shitty PL5Cs? Where’s the PL8B that multiple modern Chinese jets are supposed to have? If it’s Russian the fucking jet would have been 10.7 ages ago and yet Gaijin has to prop up this charade that Russian jets are technologically competitive and gimp Chinese jets for some reason.
You’ve said nothing about its bombing or CAS abilities, and have focused entirely on air-to-air. The only issue the JH-7A has in air battles is that the 500KG parachute bombs offer the most explosive mass and the best potential to take out multiple bases, however, everyone and their dog will beat you to those bases first. That’s the real issue of the JH-7A and other strike aircraft - always some dud in an F-4S, F-16, or MiG-23ML racing you to the bases.
In a perfect world - the JH-7A would be able to nuke two bases with its parachute bombs and then turn and destroy distracted enemies, i.e:
But in reality, you find yourself having to just get rid of your bombs because the whole team just raced ahead of you and took the bases and all you can do is try air-to-air. It’s a victim of people bombing in non-strike aircraft, including those who have no business doing so (F-16).
So I guess, unless they change how bases work in ARB, or people stop taking all the bases from strike aircraft, that they do need to up the JH-7As air-to-air abilities.
Correct, because I do not currently have it nor will I see myself ever getting it because it is a gimped jet with zero redeeming features, this is on top of withholding AGMs from Chinese jets for some stupid fucking pride that they apparently have. In case you’re wondering why is it I have such a perspective it’s simply because I lost patience for gaijin’s antics and their clear bias towards russian aircraft especially when it comes to introducing much much newer jets than literally the rest of the 9 nations in the game, and just because they’re godawful IRL.
So the Su-25 can go mach 1.05 with a base load of bombs and 4 meta missiles? Since when?
Gaijin does not have a bias towards Russia. Look at their helis, they’re in 4th. Look at their tanks, far behind most NATO MBT’s. Look at their aircraft, literally bottom of the barrel when compared to NATO jets. Even for CAS, the Rafale does it better, albeit the Su-34 is still amazing.
what’s the meta missile on the JH-7A?
PL-5Cs are arguably the worst All Aspect IR missile in the game, and you only get 2 PL-8s at a BR where the Kurnass 2000 gets 6 and the Kfir C7 at a lower BR gets 4 on a superior platform.
at 12.3 meanwhile we have the Harrier GR7 with 4 9Ms, the Mirage 2000’s with 2 Magic 2s, the Tornado GR4 with 2 9Ms and an HMD, the Mig 21 Bison with 2 R73s and an HMD, the F-20, F-16A, F-4EJ Kai with 4-6 9Ls
But yeah… the slightly supersonic brick with 2 Python 3s has “meta” missiles
Edit: I honestly would take most of the 12.0s and the 11.7 Mig 23s over the JH-7A any day. That plane is not deserving of 12.3 unless it gets the PL-5E II’s (that it used IRL btw)
Kurnass 2000 is arguably under-BR’d, and has worse flight performance.
Kfir C7 is similar flight performance if not worse as well.
And now you’re claiming Harrier GR7 is a mach 1.7 aircraft with an afterburning engine…
Mirage 2000 is 12.7.
And now you claim that the Kfir C7 is a brick later in your post contradicting your previous claim.
I’m convinced you just cant read.
the Kurnass 2000 is 12.3, that things BR is either too high or perfect depending on who you ask. Because it’d get eaten ALIVE by 12.7s
The Kfir C7 flies WAY better than the JH-7A, with 4 Python 3s at a lower BR
when did I claim this?
the C-S4 is 12.3 and the 2000D is 12.3
that last comment was obviously in reference to the JH-7A
I’m hearing a lot of skill issue here because pl5C’s are amazing
it’s not skill issue lol.
PL-5Cs are the worst of the end of line missies at 12.3 this is not up for debate or discussion.
being able to use them does not change that fact
JH-7A: 17.4 degrees per second with 3 minutes of afterburner fuel.
This is 2 degrees per second faster than F-4FG1, and 3+ degrees per second faster than Kurnass 2000.
This is also over 2 degrees per second faster than Kfir C7/10:
So yeah, your post was claiming that Kfir C7 is a brick by claiming that a plane with superior agility is itself a brick.
Oh and calling Python 3s, AIM-9Ls, and PL-5Cs bad missiles is wild.
AIM-9Ms are at 13.0 on similar platforms.
I called the 5Cs bad relative to the missiles at its BR because guess what… they are. I never called the 8s or 9Ls bad, because even though they’re still not comparable to the best missiles at that BR, they’re FAR better than the 5C
The pl5C’s are literally just faster aim9L’s so if you think the 9L’s are good but pl5C’s aren’t then you just haven’t used them or decided you didn’t like them before using them.
let’s correct that particular statement. Faster within the short range, slower over the actual engines overall burn time.
and need I remind you that platform wise the plane that’s running only 9Ls at 12.3 is a fucking F-16.
Faster initially and burn for less time so at close ranges their time to target is faster and at longer ranges they don’t have a missile indicator.
Ignoring actual air-to-air capabilities, the JH-7A is still missing A2G ordnance, it should be able to carry 4x KH-29s and not only 2x ingame, it is missing KD-88, Gaijin seems to not want to give Chinese fighters/interdictors their full CAS armament yet they introduce the Su-34 with 6x KH-38s, three times the amount of KH-29 and not to mention KH-38 being outright better than the KH-29.
Heck, give it all of its A2G ordnance and increase the GRB BR of the JH-7A, idc.
CN CAS is pretty lacking, with J-10A getting only 2x glide/guided bombs when it can carry 4x irl. The JF-17 is alright but still doesn’t compare to something like the F-16C in CAS ability.
russian jets have not been very good in the recent times…
These should not affect air RB placement
Fair, but it just reminds me that OP is approaching this jet with the wrong mindset, but then he admitted that he has never flown the jet at all - so it figures. When it comes to air combat, JH-7A is no slouch when it comes to overall flight performance. To compare it to a slow-ass SU-25 is not the way. I would rather have JH-7A with PL-5C and PL-8 than the SU-25 with R-73, if we’re talking strictly air combat.
The focus should be on increasing its ability to CAS and bomb. Use J-7E (or J-8B/J-8F) if you want to grind out the J-10A. Any ARB focused changes for the JH-7A should be low priority. China needs CAS improvements.
In my anecdotal experiences - I find the PL-5C more reliable than PL-8 at close range. Anyone calling them a bad missile are crazy. And like the PL-5B, they’re best used up close.
This is a false proposition: why did I let the JH-7A approach me? I (F4S/Mig-23) have missiles with a range of more than 10 km, but I want to enter close combat with you? Why? Especially when the JH-7A can’t catch up with these aircraft. Most people always claim that “the JH-7A is just an attack aircraft”, and if these fighters don’t destroy the base first, the JH-7A can do its job. But, now, tell me, what should you do when you, as a JH-7A, have neither the means to bomb the base nor the way to get close to enemy fighters firing your “good” PL5C (or the perfect missile that easily jams you)?