So where is the Tor M1 for Russia? (2.0)

Yeah I saw your suggestion and it seemed pretty good, China definitely needed that!

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Soviets have a 12km against fixed wing CAS SPAA.
Better SPAA means 24km SPAA for everyone, which translates to ~18km range.
Pantsir’s 18km range against drones means nothing when it’s 12km against jets.

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A vt-1 can’t really hit a maneuvering jet passed 9km. The only thing you are going to get are, as you said, drones, jets flying straight and very slowly, or helis (but they don’t spawn that far anyway).

As for the TOR, i don’t play it myself, but from my experience getting targetted by it, the missile tend to become dead weight the second the sustainer switches off.

Adding TOR for russia seems appropriate, but it doesn’t solve the pantsir issue, which, mind you, is going to become worse if gaijin decides to implement pantsir S2 or SM

That was true a year ago, however the September 23 update corrected its missiles to work out to 12km.
Pantsir isn’t an issue unless you’re also in the camp of CAS being OP, then Pantsir’s inability to kill 15km sitting CAS is indeed an issue.

Edit: CAS lover false-flagged?

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pantsir being better because it was facing stronger CAS (F16 and mirages to name a few) was not a problem in my book.

The problem arise with the addition of Su25

basically, before the patch, both sides could target enemy CAS, but with a very low probability of destroying the enemy plane.

Now it isn’t the case. A su25 can fire up to 20km (in game i saw as far as 18.5km). So what they do is basically go high, extend their airbrakes, take the time to fire all their load, and go back to rearm before they even get in the theorical range of Crotales, TORs, whatever

F-16 can somewhat also do that, but if they become too unbalanced, there’s still a few pantsir variants to add. That isn’t the case for everyone else, which is why lowering the cost of planes with AAMs only to the point where it can be a first spawn should be considered.

Su-25SM3 which doesn’t make it to top 10 CAS platforms.
The top 10 CAS platforms are all supersonic and physically cannot get close enough to die to SPAA when played correctly.
With Su-25, it’s just popping behind a house or popping smoke that’ll end the lock since they can’t launch from 8+km altitude without wasting a lot of time.

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we should take the discussion to the KH38 thread or something, come to think of it

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That doesn’t look like thermals, just a regular black and white camera, otherwise the cloud in the second image would be all hot (its also weird that the target would be cold). i could be wrong but it very much does not look like thermals to me.

Judging by the fact the camera did an auto contrast thing, I reckon it is FLIR

Yea, that looks lik a Photocontrast

Still looks off. it could still be thermals, but it doesn’t look like it.
where did you get the images from?
Thermals usually look more like this or like this.

It might be SWIR

But i have no idea if Pantsir has one

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perhaps, but there are many things i find looking off with it, if it was an IR based sensor.
if it is white hot, why is the missile trail almost the same as the background, why is the target colder than the sky?
it just looks weird.

That is why i said it can be Photocontrast, or just TV with WB filter

so then it wouldn’t be IR?

If it is a photocontrast or Tv with WB(or BW i always mix them up) filter then no. If it is SWIR then it would be.
Problem is i have no idea about how pantsir works. We would need someone who knows.

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Dude I NEED the F-106, its such a sexy plane. Probably gonna suck though, lol.

If we purely account for missiles, probably the best SPAA right now. Pretty much undodgeable if they get up to speed and the target is within range.
However, it doesn’t have any kind of radar to detect aircraft.

Its black hot IR

It can’t be since the explosion is white.

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