So we know the Churchill AVRE Leaked for the next update.... But what variant do you guys think we will get?

The weapon is too limited in range to be of significant use in a game based on tank-on-tank combat.

The range would be an issue if WT’s maps were remotely realistic for a tank combat game, but with about 90% of the game’s maps being tiny by IRL standards and the matchmaker constantly giving city maps, a Petard AVRE wouldn’t be that bad.

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Honestly, given how explosives are modeled in game I’d take ~20 kg of HE over ~20 kg of HESH any day.

I can’t find the source but I swear I’ve read that the only tank kill an AVRE ever scored was when one landed a shot next to a Panther and the sheer force of the explosion killed the whole crew, or something along those lines.

Just look how Su-152 behaves in real life then compare it to the game.

Normally I take accounts like that with a grain of salt, suspecting it might be exaggeration, misremembering etc.

But given how thin the sides of Panther is this could actually be plausible

I want them all.

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Petard was put on both the Mk.III and Mk.IV and there’re two variants of the L9 gun used on AVREs, so ideally we should have event and tech tree versions of both AVREs.

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Yeah, but the leak also may be wrong about it coming out next update… It may not come out for a year. It probably is the D-day event like most others said. And idrc what variant it is

One has a Sub 100m range, the 165 version had a over 2km range.

Can confirm it’s an event vehicle


Yay for having less than 100 meter range


Event vehicle, very nice

*210m range, the effective range is ~80m.

Woohoo, it’s the worst variant.

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So still just about nothing?

More planes ,more premiums ,did i say more planes

It’s undeniably a crap range but still better than ~80m max. With the dogwater map rotation these days there’s no shortage of tiny maps where the AVRE can feasibly hit stuff, and since it’s not firing HESH it’ll actually kill whatever it hits.

Id have preferred nothing over this shit.

True true, either way, meme vehicle