So The MiG-29SMT Can Carry x2 R-27ERs and x2 R-27ET1s?

BEMIL 사진 자료실 - 유용원의 군사세계

Could you provide a link to where you found this photo? It’s likely a prototype/test.

Also R-27ER capability doesn’t mean R-27ET capability, ETs need special coolant pylons.

EDIT: Look at what @BasherBenDawg8 said.

I don’t believe that’s the MiG-29SMT, but instead a modified variant.
Should be this vehicle here:

And it can only carry 2 Extended range R-27 missiles, the other 2 are standard R-27T/R missiles.

Edit: also a friendly reminder that photos aren’t accepted as sources for weapon/armament implementations, meaning saying X aircraft has been seen with Y armament doesn’t mean it will be added to the vehicle. It needs to be augmented as a part of a primary source or secondary sources.


Here you go my friend

Yeah just a prototype unfortunately, sorry man.

Would make for a cool event/premium vehicle tho haha!
Yall go ahead and give that sweet suggestion a thumbs up while you’re here.

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