SNIPER targeting pod and abillity to mount 6x AGM-65D for A10C

With addition of A10C theres a problem with LITENING TGP and mounting triple mavericks because of alleged missile motor burning optics of TGP (some say it was scorched paint not optic). On the other hand SNIPER (newer targeting pod) doesnt suffer from that issue and allows for mounting triple 65Ds near it.

Mounting targeting pod, which is very very helpful for A10C, feels more like being PUNISHED for using it not like having upgrade after A10A late.

SO my main idea is to add SNIPER targeting pod for A10C which would not only allow for carrying more maverick AGMs but slightly better visibility (SNIPER has 3rd gen thermals compared to LITENING). This would actually feel like an upgrade compared to A10A late not like punishment. A10 is already very slow and has pretty high BR (12.0 GRB) so why not make it little bit better and increase BR by 0.3 or even 0.7.


Whole A10C has got neat upgrades like ground IFF markers and MAW but its punished (thats what i like to call it) for bringing its the best addition in form of LITENING TGP but limiting its maverick AGMs. Solution is to give slow A10C SNIPER TGP which solves maverick limit problem + slightly better thermal quality but giving it “slighty” higher BR (12.3 GRB or 12.7 GRB).



+1 Gib


Gaijin pls

+1 absolutely love the idea and that would make it more competitive against Pantsir.

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Sniper would be great on other aiframes as well like the harrier Gr7

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Not only competetive but it would be something different to F16C so actually worth playing/grinding other than aircraft being famous

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What is most frustrating is the inability to mount 2x AGM-65Ds per pylon (which would negate Gaijin’s dumb "rocket motor burning the sensor lens excuse). Even then, A-10s have flown with 6x mavericks and a T-pod before (and photo evidence of such exists), this really shouldn’t be an issue, especially considering the A-10C’s performance in-game right now…

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What I lament in general is the restriction to AGM-65D for the A-10A (late) and 65D/G/L for the A-10C to not carry the 65B, and vice versa the inability of the A-10A (early) to carry the 65D.

Technically makes no sense, gameplay/balance-wise I also don’t understand what should be the benefit of this.

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you are replying to…? if to (my) main post i m just confused lmao

Personally, I think change targeting pod to Litening AT Blk 0 or Litening G4 instead Litening II that should be enough for A-10C in next major update

Does it change anything other than targeting pod name?

I predict Litening G4 thermal resolution on pod and sight better Litening II

Very slight and still 65D punishment… Yes these are only 2 mavericks but if anyone that play a10 knows that most mavs get intercepted or do less than anything so stripping 2 mavs of it is just punishment for taking tgp

TGP saved this aircraft from being DOA but taking 2 mavs off is literally 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards

I agree with the sentiment however, increasing the BR to any levels near the SM3 does the A10 injustice. Even with the Sniper ATP, it is still being held back by itself. Due to it’s speed, many of it’s weaponry requires it being used within SPAA range so the only useful ones are the mavericks and APKWS.

However with that being said, the F111F is better because it can utilize bombs and mavericks better because it’s just faster

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Setting any higher BR wouldnt helped it anyway it fights pantsirs already. Heck even A10A late can fight pantsirs now. If it could get 11.3 GRB (which would be more likely) will still fight pantsir but a little bit less often. As i said ealier giving it SNIPER would make this aircraft different and worthwhile and maybe actually little competetive without sacrificing the most useful weapon on warthog - maverick Ds

for sure. I kinda we had 6 laser guided mavericks or double pylon jdams because the sp would be a lot cheaper.

The laser guided mavs are useless on a10. Unless u are su25 that can fire them from 30km and sit far behind any spaa range

Russia has never made anything close to the Sniper, so never ever. It should get the Sniper, but POCCNR suffer, pls understand.


For the A-10A late at least, the 65Bs have a better camera zoom to use from long range without TGP, but I guess if you carry 65Ds it will overwrite the 65B seeker view with the 65D’s (with awful 5x max zoom) anyway. GBU-8s could similarly be useful as well as increasing the amount of guided munitions. IDK if the A-10C removed GBU-8 capability, would be a somewhat useful weapon still.