"Small" rant about captured/lend lease vehicles in tech trees

12.3+ ARH Carrier:

  • Saudi Arabian Tornado F3 (would need to double check they had AMRAAM)
  • Indian Sea Harrier FRS51
  • RAF BAE Hawk (could be anywhere from 9.0-12.0+)


  • Saudi Arabian Tornado Gr1
  • (Saudi Arabian Tornado F3 without AMRAAM)
  • RAF Harrier Gr5
  • RAF Jaguar GR3A
  • (Other Indian Jaguars)


  • South African Mirage III
  • South African Cheatah C or D
  • TSR2


  • South African Buccaneer S50
  • Omani or Singapore Hawker Hunter

Few more I’ve probably forgotten as well.

The point is. There is 0 need to add a Soviet aircraft to our TT. If they want to add more indian, fine, but at least add the Indian stuff we exported to them and not the stuff they imported from Russia.

probably, so they should add that and not add the Russian one at all.

Me too, they’re one of my favourite planes, but I want them unique. That’s all I’m asking, I’m not good at wording stuff but having like the same M4A4 in every tree is annoying, when you could add different versions, and where’s the M4A2E8? M4A3 75? I’m not 100% sure who got what I just want more unique stuff.

Even I’m against that, I see the premise of it, but they could have made it something more… interesting? Or even mixing the battlepass with the Norwegians and Fins instead to open up stuff.

correct, I have been corrected

I personally think that this is the best solution, but too late now right?

Exactly my argument.

I heard it might be a premium, if it is, yes I will fork over the $120 to buy the damn thing, but that’s just because I love both the British tree and MiG-21s. Does NOT mean I want it in the tree. All for adding it to Russia though!

I mean couldn’t Britain get an early EF Typhoon prototype?

yes… but why not add to Russia? I know your point about the MiG-21-93 but more people want to grind USSR so wouldn’t it generate more money?

I main the big 3 but for me small nations are about being unique and copy paste kills that to a degree and I would rather accept the gaps but then I am not Italian or Chinese. Maybe copy paste is preferable to having outrageous mixed eras though.

As someone who mainly plays Britain, Italy, and Japan, I can say I would rather not have copy pastas throughout the tree and would rather have large gaps, especially since it’s mostly experienced players playing these countries and don’t need to go through another 6 shermans

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I’ve heard this too, But leak list flip flop between both. Premium is where im expecting. But considering its been 18 months since the F4JUNK. I was hoping for an actually usable premium that i would want to buy. But I wouldnt buy the mig-21. If I wanted it. i would play the Russian TT.

What Britain really needs in my opinion is a really good premium CAS aircraft .Something like the Harrier Gr5. Basically a Gr7 but with 9Ls, so can sit a little lower in BR. Would be great fun. Other options could be the Saudi Tornado IDS. Good CAS/SL printer as well from that.

Another A2A, that really isnt going to be that competitive at its BR. Is just gunna suck. Not too mention the TKs. Plenty of aircraft i fly, that would likely encounter this thing, doesnt have radar. Like the Harrier Gr7 or future Harrier Gr9A. In Sim. I will always fire at a mig-21 silhouette. So if you are in this thing… Not my fault.

I wouldnt want it as a premium, but I think if the leaks are right. US and USSR are getting Typhoon equivalents this update

Oh no not ever as a premium, I don’t agree with jet premiums at all (yes I know I buy them), but it would be preferable to any MiG-21. Premium or not.

If they had AMRAAM then please consider I’m on your side.

My opionion is that these subsonics with fox 3s, i.e. shit airframe with meta missiles at a relatively weird BR their count should be reduced to as few as possible.

For the other aircrafts you post I would say alright as long as they are technologically originated from Britain/South Africa and/or are produced in the UK (and South Africa, since it is a subtree). i.e. The Tornadoes, Harriers, Jaguars, that Hunter, the Buccaneer and of course the TSR.2, however I would say I personally oppose the Mirage III SAAF since it is technically a French aircraft. Basically same standard for the Russian made Mig-21, eh? (Same to that T-90S but it’s already ingame so we basically can’t do much about it now)

Consider I have the same view as long as there are better candidates. ;)

Yeah. Sea harrier FA2 likely this update. Which should be pretty decent if its the right BR. But I see Typhoon this year. Any later and we are back to 2023 levels of DOA at top tier

Yeah, it’s definitely been more noticeable in recent years including the battlepass vehicles, new premiums and sub-tech trees with the most likely confirmed new Benelux tree coming for France no doubt. This is starting to get really out of control and playing major nations doesn’t even feel unique anymore in battles at certain BRs at this point.

Exported vehicles are realistic and can be added to fill missing gaps for minor nations which is nice
but I feel if there is a really different and close vehicle counterpart there is for a certain missing gap it definitely should be added over just the same vehicle with just a different camouflage.

Just fyi I believe the swede premium sherman is an M4A3 75. (I don’t know much but i guess it is an M4A3 hull with 75mm gun)

Overpricing, although serious, is pretty much a Gaijin issue.

I would like the EAP since it’s pretty unique, however I do not know if its combat performance are OP or too bad…

Gaijin will get both the Russian and India money by adding both aircrafts easily lol

Yep, I agree. Mirage III was more of an honourable mention (as South africa is a full Sub-TT not this wierd CW third-Sub-TT-but-isnt-really-on-the-TT then anything they actually operated would be reasonable) . its also a BR we are a tad weak at.

But yeah. Plenty of aircraft to choose from that Britain did actually export.

Honestly… Sea Harrier FA2 will outperform the Mig-21. Sea Harrier FRS51 is worse than the FA2, but probably about equal to the Mig-21. The FA2 has more missiles, better radar, better acceleration and climb rate. Heck I’ve beaten plenty of Mig-21s in dogfights in the FRS1 and the FA2 has the better engine, meaning it would be even easier.

Vs F-15Cs, F-16Cs and Gripens would struggle, but so will most BVR trucks at that BR.

I’d need to double check. I think they retired them in 2006, so its possible there was overlap. britian starting upgrading them with AMRAAM in 1998 ish

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It’s a composite vehicle, Sherman iii turret (M4A1) with Sherman iv hull (M4A2) iirc. Don’t quote me on this though not 100% sure.

It is, and the price actually has nothing to do with my statement I don’t know why I included it.

Well artificially buff/nerf it, they do it to other vehicles so why not this one? They’ve already thrown realism out the window.

True but are they going to do both?

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I got this wrong. Ignore me.

It would have made the PERFECT 12.0/12.3 aircraft for last year. The only thing that would have needed tweaking is swapping the ASRAAM out for Aim-9s.

But it was hard denied. Because it never actually live fired a missile. it only carried mock-up weapons. Though it had everything else. Radar, RWR, CMs, etc

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Well my point is that the Harrier (and Hawk, as you mentioned in the post above) are subsonic. Gaijin always drastically reduce BR of subsonic aircrafts with meta missile for some reason, maybe stereotype.

What about the Yak-141 never having any of the equipment it needed to ever be combat ready? And gaijin can’t make an exception saying USSR struggles either.

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Maybe. I’ve been predicting the FA2 will be 12.0-12.3. I’ve seen people predicting the Mig-21 to be about 12.0-12.3.

Its possible theyd be the same BR. it would be carried by its radar/Missiles. but the entire meta is about to go that way I think. Otherwise aircraft like the Typhoon are never going to be added. Not a lot can beat it in WVR

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Yeah… That was the argument we all made. As well as the F-16AJ only existing in a brochure

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At the time I could understand the AJ to a point as Japan didn’t have anything… but now they have the F-15J it should be removed and eventually replaced with the F-2

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These buff/nerf are always biased toward [ahem i dont want to get censored or start ww3 here] y’know x)

Problem is they still want it to look like realism for some reason.

I think I saw the 21-93 on a leak list somewhere

Well that’s kinda sad… but yeah the Yak 141 situation.