Singapore Ground Forces Sub-tree

Love how we went from talking about which nation has more relevant ties with Israel to stat checking.

RSS_Defender isn’t wrong with his statement that Israel had a large part in helping the formation of the modern military of Singapore and that most of Singaporean equipment has Israeli technology in them. (World’s worst secret next to Singapore’s ties to Taiwan, that Singapore basically uses Israeli tech in everything from drones to tanks to aircraft)

Talking of population also isn’t a valid way of making an argument with regards to the game. Sweden’s got a population size of 10 million, and yet it’s fairly popular and makes enough money for continued development.

Now, you are right that the earliest thing that Singapore has in terms of Tanks is the AMX-13 (in fact that’s not the AMX-13 that’s worth implementing into the game, the AMX-13SM1 is way further down in history and RSS_Defender also neglects to mention the proprietary APFSDS round developed for it - 240mm at 1.2km - which would make it worth alongside other upgrades) but that’s not really a problem given the precedent set by the Israeli tech tree which doesn’t start at 1.0.

Now all this to say, I stand by my current stance of Singaporean vehicles should not be confined to a single tech tree and should be spread across the game where the vehicles are most needed/most fitting.
e.g. :
-The AMX-13SM1 to France
-The Mechanised Igla to USA/RU
-The Leopard 2SG to Germany
-The Hunter to Israel

If there’s a local vehicle to fit in there, great use that. Singaporean vehicles should be confined to plugging gaps that otherwise can’t be, for filling out events, or premium store positions. Same goes for the aircraft as well.

Also, I’m sorry but Stat-Checking is kinda cringe. It’s a forum, people are allowed to have opinions and to have them refuted.

Lastly, I have read your suggestion for the Chilean sub tree and do think that’s a better option for a Sub-tree in Israel. It just generally fills up more capabilities and is more varied (Marder with Spike is sure to get the German main blood pumping if it isn’t in Germany lol. also semi-automatic reloading 60mm M50? sign me up.)


You cannot compare a country like Sweden with Singapore in terms of popularity, much less in terms of tanks. If Sweden is popular, it is because it has very good vehicles and the issue of the total population was in reference to the number of players in the country.

Nobody said otherwise, it’s just that the same applies to Chile, for example, it buys enormous quantities of Israeli weapons for all its military branches, since you saw my suggestion you will realize that even the tank ammunition is Israeli, in addition, Israel also formed Chile’s tank doctrine, so we’re tied on that.

and it is completely valid to use the player’s statistics to refute what he thinks, since showing the statistics shows that he does not have practical knowledge to say what Israel needs or not (high, low ranks, light tanks, etc.) since, how will he know what Israel needs if he hasn’t played with the nation? I started playing with Israel and immediately realized the disparity it has in the rank 4 BRs as well as the lack of especially light, anti-tank and anti-aircraft vehicles, which is why I disagree when the person who made the suggestion He tells me that what Israel needs most is high-rank tanks when it is quite the opposite, what Israel needs most are low ranks to be able to extend to rank 1 since Israel does have vehicles for that, another thing is that Gaijin has not wanted adding them, that’s why I think this sub tree is not a good option for Israel since it would limit it forever to rank 4. The person who made the suggestion should have done a second survey asking where people would like this sub tree to be, but he only left Israel as the only option.

Singapore has very good vehicles, especially light ones, but they are all high range, the SPAA and tank destroyers are few and only at high ranges, as I said, the lower ranges are abandoned which doesn’t seem right to me, Chile’s suggestion that I made in change has more variety and covers almost all ranges which leaves Israel’s tree more complete, I just want Israel to get its best option, I wouldn’t mind if it were Turkey that occupies that place as long as Israel gets something good and coherent


Bold idea, Singapore subtrees goes to Japan.

Reason: Russian community manager accidentally slipped up and said that the Southeast Asian region will go towards Japan when the F-5E FCU (Thai) dropped.


Do you have a source for that?

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Not every SEA needs to go to Japan. Thailand and the Philippines is more than enough to fill in the gaps, if needed Malaysia and Indonesia can be added too.

Like i said Singapore can go to a future Korean TT instead to fill in the gaps of that proposed TT (particularly the South Korean one) since like with the South Korean TT adding it to the other TT it can realistically be added (US in the case of SK and UK or China in the case of SG) would serve no purpose

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This post got deleted afterwards, but it was in the Russian forums for a while back then.

If this post magically gets removed by moderators then it affirms it too. ;)

Edit: ping @AspandaIV


+1 but I have no idea where it would best go.

I think it would be best suited to go in a Commonwealth TT (Australia, Canada, New Zealand) now that South Africa is in the UK tree, I think Singapore would have more offer to such a TT than if it were to be added elsewhere.

I don’t think it should go to Japan, given certain past events, and I believe a Thai TT would fit in better for them. China isn’t even an option, they still have a ton of domestic equipment to add, in addition to exports and the equipment of Pakistan and the DPRK. I don’t think that there’s enough of a connection between the ROK and Singapore, but it could also be a possibility. I would say that the Philippines and Indonesia would be more than enough for the ROK, whilst Malaysia and Thailand should be enough for Japan.

yeah… gajin already made it pretty clear commonwealth tree aint happening, they get thrown where they fit best

u say that but most “real” minor nations have access to multiple countries, sweden already has stuff from finland and norway, italy has hungary, romania etc. Only exception being japan and israel currently. So i would say singapore would fit well as well

I also stated the following:

The fact that France is to receive a sub-tree before Japan is just plain ridiculous.

Japanese issues have been obvious for years and France didn’t even need a sub-tree to begin with :/


that certainly is true, both UK and France didnt need whole sub trees.
But we should remember that we dont know so far if its a whole sub tree and not a german argentinian situation or just the addition of multiple benelux vehicles to france. We gotta wait and see how they handle it. And if at the end germany legaly “claims” switzerland kek


Nope. I am in heavy opposition to this.
Thailand in japan i am still ok with as japan’s tanks are really dogwater in armour(and in low tier, firepower) and adding thai tanks(chinese/ukrainian exported or with heavy design influcences) will help it; Additionally thailand and japan were on the same team in ww2
however singapore has nearly no relation at all with japan; rather it is culturly more chinese and also this would help the chinese TT be more unique(However, adding the tons of indigenous chinese vehicles not in game would be better)

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Culture is one of the worst arguments you can come up with for this game


honestly, as a singaporean, i highly doubt singapore would enter the game as a tree of any kind. imo the best way to implement sg vehicles is spread through different countries. though if i had to rank which trees a sg sub-tree would fit in it would probably go israel, uk, japan, china and theres a big gap between uk and japan

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contrary to popular beliefs, majority of singaporeans don’t care abour what happened during ww2 anymore. unlike the koreans where they still hold deep grudges, our government, military and people are very open and welcoming to modern japan.


singapore and singaporeans do not look at culture, we are majority chinese yes, but we treat every race as fairly and equally as humanly possible unlike most countries these days, so talking about culture when it comes to singapore is probably the biggest mistake ever.


no i meaned in regards to singapore in japan xD

eh yeah singapore to japan i’m cool with it, most of us are cool about it too, but like what the other guy said above, its probably better for our stuff to be scattered all over since it comes from many countries.

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still somewhat sad, but understandable. Now if only the canadians would think like this again

Singapore has more claim to be an israeli subtree than any suggestion of being a chinese subtree due to the close military links between Singapore and Israel. Your suggestion of it becoming a chinese subtree has completely zero basis regarding vehicles, as our equipment is overwhelmingly western made or derived, barring the use of igla MANPADS. On a military basis, Singapore has similar levels of relations between both japan and china, making it a moot point. Since you bring up the point of culture, why dont american vehicles used only by america be added to the chinese tree since they also have a large population of chinese people? do you realise how little sense you make?

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