Since Fakour-90 got so much better with the 5G buff in manoeuvrability , give AiM-9M and improve AiM54C (24G dual plane maneuvering) for the F-14B and put it at 13.3

Unless we get a FM buff for the SMT specifically, which may happens if we get sources that go that way. It will never be competitive against other top tiers.

MiG-29M or MiG-29K 9-41 might fix those issues.

As for now, the F14B has better FM and flight characteristics than the F4, tornado or even the SMT.

It could be America 13.3, with a loadout that could offer diversity at those BR.

With the fakour buff, the B is just the better version with worse missiles (except the 9L)

That’s not really how dual plane works, the missile doesn’t just “snap”. Roll rate isn’t instantaneous and on the contrary missiles will constantly adjust to use dual plane.

We already have 50G missiles in the game, and in general after ~35G thrust vectoring and fin AoA are more relevant than extra G’s themselves. Would also be completely fine with me to have a stronger magic-2

If top BR wasn’t boom & zooming furballs and BVR, then WVR would matter more.
What matters most is speed retention and countermeasures.
F-14B only has 60 standard caliber countermeasures, and the rest are BOL sized, on top of being a delta-wing aircraft when going its mach 1.15 speed so it bleeds more energy than the F-4E platforms initially because of that.
It’s only ~800kph where the F-14B starts retaining more energy than the F-4 as it can sweep its wings out, but ~800kph in air RB means you’re dead.

This a hyperbole, it will roll into 42g very fast and will be equivalent to “snapping” into place. It’s not a good idea for game design unless a lot of things are fixed.

Same, but the Magic 2 can pull enough AOA to get there sometimes anyways, a consistent 50G magic could pull some crazy shit event the R-73 can’t do, keep in mind how crazy the acceleration is on it.

if it bleeds more speed it’s because it is pulling much more, pull less and you can get better energy retention.

are you really trying to argue that at high speed the F-4E is better than the F-14B?

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nope, and acceleration doesn’t help for HOBS shot like the R-73 does. 50G would help the magic-2 in some shots, but it wouldn’t really increase the FOV at which the missiles can turn that much. Certainly not to R-73 levels, because the missile needs to be able to rotate itself to achieve those turns, which you can’t do without thrust vectoring.

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It has 30 degree HOBS capability, you can’t launch it at the same angles as the R-73 but it can pull the same or more than the R-73

You pull less that means you’re pulling less than an F-4E and it’s out-pacing you. ;)
Cause that’s how sustained turns work.
And yes, when at their top speeds the F-4E will do a slightly better sustained turn due to not being a delta wing.

That’s partially why the swing wing was attempted and used, to prevent the issues of delta wings.

it can’t, it’s impossible without thrust vectoring. To achieve that type of turn the missile needs to also rotate itself. HOBS shots are a matter of how well the missile turns at lower speeds, and at mach ~1 the R-73 turns FAR better than any missile without TVC will ever be able to

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The Magic has freely rotating wing arms that give it better heel control, whipping around the heel like that is at least equivalent to low level thrust vectoring.

We’re pretty off topic so we can take this to the PMs if you want to keep discussing it


F-14B rates much better than the F-4E at mach 1 even while having 4 extra AiM9-Ls (for the rest it’s 4 aim7 for both and 50% fuel).

Also F-14B wing when swept back it is not a delta, it’s a normal wing simply with an high incidence angle, which is still more efficient (has better aspect ratio) than the F-4E wing which is very close to a delta.


yeah it’s better

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The tomcats completley dominate 11.3-13.3 with their Pheonix and Farkours as its impossible to multipath on some maps terrain and they often get lucky hits on the ones which they can be multipathed. Move them away from the early harriers and unfortunate planes with primitive in comparison kit that are their victims.

the AIM-9M was created later than the F14 Bs introduction and we only have its loadouts from when it was first adopted into service for most aircraft in the game.

I agree they should go up in BR but the F14 A goes to 13.0 and the IRAF and B to 13.3 instead to really water down their spam and oppressiveness. Save the AIM-9M for the F14 D, the version used in Desert Storm as it did see combat with them and allows for another cool tomcat to keep American mains happy while other nations get the aircraft they need to catch up

this is called give us the f14d super tomcat

lol lmao even.
I’ve seen a total of zero F-14s get more than one frag against fighters.
Plenty frag players that fly straight in.
Still haven’t died to an F-14’s Phoenix missile this year and I’ve been maining 11.3 - 13.0 for spading and final research of aircraft.
Even flew out the Mig-29G with only R-73s to frag F-14s with.

Knowledge of how Phoenixes work is a powerful tool, that and having air spawn Golan Heights banned so I primarily get mountainous maps.

an F14 isn’t a dogfighter, its a missile lobber over long range. It can be hellish to deal with at the start of matches because I cant ban golan heights as I don’t have premium

Afaik, Aim-9M was introduced in 1981 and F14 was fitted with GE-100 engines in 1987, so it definitely carried those.

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It is a good dogfighter, it is good at shooting missiles yes buts it’s sweep wing configuration makes it great at dogfighting.


i can’t find specific dates on the introduction of the M other than it existing by the late 80s that’s why I said that. Please correct me if you find anything tho. Here in Britain we only got 9L in the early 80s because Americans secretly funnelled a few to us to assist in defending the Falklands from the Argentinian invaders so my dates on techs introduction is usually half a decade off

It may just be that American pilots are overall worse than other nations pilots but I don’t have much problem dealing with them in a harrier. although I do really mess with them with VIFF, that really messes up most pilots