Hello, I was just curious on the history of this vehicle as there really isn’t any information/sources on it (at least that I’ve found) other than a few drawings, one link (which is shared below) and Gaijin’s take on it.
Gaijin’s Take
“ Modernization plans for the SIDAM 25 were drawn up in late 1994, when Italian engineers proposed the up-arming of the vehicle with Mistral surface-to-air missiles in order to give it better long-range capabilities and improve its performance as a whole.
The missiles were to be distributed between two launchers, with each launcher containing three missiles. As such, the vehicle could then utilize the missiles against targets at long range, whilst preserving the cannon armament for close-range engagements.
The modernization of the SIDAM 25s with Mistral SAMs was expected to begin in the early 2000s, alongside some other potential upgrades as well.”
- What’s the history of the SIDAM 25 (Mistral)?
- Was this upgrade ever carried out in any capacity? Any prototypes or just a blueprint design?
- Is the SIDAM 25 in any capacity still in service or is it stowed/retired? If so, when?
- Has Italy worked on a replacement that can fulfill its unique V-SHORAD role?

Thanks everyone, this is obviously voluntary so I appreciate your responses. I’m just trying to learn more on the relatively “discreet” vehicles of the Italian Army. Take care!