Should there be another rb game mode?

So if I’m getting this right, this is you rn?

because you DO know what the other guy is talking about yes? You’re just overly hung up on one word?

Nation based matchmaker dropped, copypaste massively implemented causing mirror matches at every BR constantly, asinine grip/traction changes, tinier maps, etc.

Nobody ever brought up top tier my guy. We are talking about the gamemode called ground RB as a whole and its immersive/historical nature or lack thereof due to asinine changes making it Arcade+ in lots of peoples’ eyes.

Yes he wants the game to be more tactical, but not more realistic.

He fails to state if he means air or ground though. Which makes it hard to assess.

If he means ground then the idea is terrible, since GRB has a far smaller playerbase than Air RB. Splitting it like this makes no sense. And for ground RB and SB are pretty much the same, so no need for another mode.

For air the change already happened with the smaller team sizes. So no reason to complain either.

That doesn’t make the gameplay more arcade.

Still not gameplay.

Mission design, not gameplay

The traction was BS before as well. But yeah you found a single gameplay change, not a very relevant one but you found one. Hurray.

As i said ganeplay wise little has changed. And whether something is arcadey is determined by gamplay. I agree that mission design got worse but the gameplay was always this arcadey. It’s just nostalgia that people remember it any different. Tansk were introduced with super arcadey gameplay and never fixed. Shooter players just starting to realize it, since they are used to this sort of thing.

I understand that. What i am trying to tell you is that it always has been that. It never was different. Us and ussr didn’t fight side by side in ww2, but you know what? Germany and us troops did. So historically usa and germany on the same team makes more sense in abbattle than ussr and usa, because the game depucts battles so war alignment shouldn’t be that relevant compared to battle alignment.

All that is happening is people start seeing through their own delusions. Historically WT Ground was BS before to the same degree but in a different way, that the olayers could ignore. But it didn’t change the fact that it was BS.

Does to me pal.

You’re not goalkeeping. I decide what I get to decide what is immersion breaking/historical breaking to me.


Doesn’t matter. Extremely easy to look past an inaccuracy like this versus one like Germany, Isreal, Sweden facing USA, UK, Japan, Italy, and Russia.

No logic found. A single isolated event does not matter. You are dense if you can’t see how USA/USSR/UK fighting GER/ITA/Japan is more immersive than USA/GER versus USSR/UK/Japan/Italy.


Are you part of the development team?

Regardless, that is not gonna happen, if anything, they will probably drop some modes instead of adding them, to prevent further spliting player base and simplifying balancing.

If you want less random gameplay, there is plenty of options. Squads, Custom battles and Squadron battles to name a few.

I was talking about GF. RB removes markers and this makes it harder on PS5 players…in GF i guess the “perfect” game would be RB with “less” markers…something that allowed me to add a marker on something i am seeing with naked eye (and less ULQ).
NOTE…i am perfectly aware that MANY players prefer RB as it is…so as a minority i respect that RB should not change :)

But even in air…i prefer to have markers and infinite ammo.

You doing mistakes doesn’t make an objective problem.

First it’s called gatekeeping. Second arcade describes gameplay, so historical issues do not belong in that category. If AB had historic matchups it wouldn’t be any less arcade.

That’s what i said isn’t it?
Even if it is on the same level of historical inaccuracy you deluded yourself into thinking one is worse than the other. While objectively they are the same. So nothing got worse, just different.

None if those historical and from a "i am getting immersed into ww2 they aren’t immersive either… They are identical in that regard none of them happened by the same degree.


Lmao holy shit shut the hell up.

Not continuing after that, you have zero valid points and you’re just telling me I’m wrong based on nothing while pretending you’re being objective

I am objective.

You are whining about nations that didn’t fight eachother or alongside in any ww2 battle while being perfectly fine with other nations that also didn’t fight eachother or alongside.

If there was an game mode for air where you could spawn more than one plane, without it turning into arcade, I’d play air a lot more.

This exists since 2016 though.

You can even spawn an infinite number of planes.
And it is the furthest from arcade you can get.

Welcome to the wonderful world of air simulator battles.