Should i buy JA37DI F21?

I was thinking of buying the JA37DI F21 bcs i want to get to top tier of sweden faster but i have the j35 fs but its just terrible. When i fly the draken i hope my enemies are lacking brain cells and they wont see my missiles. So i wanted to know if the Viggen is good to buy. Thank you!


Don’t its not that good and u can research the same plane in tech tree

It’s in a similar boat (figuratively and literally) as F-4F KWS LV, in that in downtiers, it’s at an extreme advantage, as it can just bully all the Fox-1 slingers with it’s Fox-3’s.

In an uptier however (Which being in MM range of top tier, will be the majority of your battles)… absolute unbridled, unmitigated misery lol.

Granted it has AMRAAM’s, so it’s still capable of dealing with 13.7/14.0’s, in a less asymmetric manner than most 13.0’s with only Fox-1’s have to suffer with, but still, any remotely competent top tier player will just absolutely clown this thing.

Granted i’ve not played it, so take what i say with a grain of salt, this is just my impression from observing and playing against them. But if it were me making this decision, i’d be extremely hesitant to drop $80 on a vehicle that’s almost entirely at the mercy of the matchmaker. If the goal is to grind, then you want consistency, not high high’s and even lower lows lol.


it teleports you straight to Aircraft Hell

I bought it and it’s really good.
I grinded the entire Swedish tree in 1 month with it.
The uptiers are harder to play but it’s doable, if you get downtiered you are like a f15 in a 1.0 match… just climb up to 5km at the beginning of the match and use your tws to fire amraams at enemies below you. Keep in mind to only take the radar lock off your target when it’s under 10km. Once your out of amraams if there are many enemies left go to base and restock, if there are not many enemies left dive down and kill them with the aim9l‘s