Should fighters stop bombing bases in top tier

I personally think that they should stop that coz the bases are for strike aircraft that just wanna grind and they cant fight with other jets like normal so if you are one of these pls stop doing that

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Striker/bomber aircraft are usless in airrb at mid and top br.

Fighters also want to grind but they should at least leave a base as sympathy for strike aircraft.
The grind at top tier is pretty bad, they cant help it if they aren’t competitive

HIgh tier/ top tier ARB just doesn’t work. Ground pounding is just one of it’s many problems. We have started a discussion some time ago to help address some of these issues. We also proposed some fixes for the issue you are facing.

You can read that thread here Air RB and its possible rework.

Me when I use A-5C as fighter

Do you happen to realize that alot of the jet fighters in top tier are multirole aircraft designed to have changing loadouts for air to air and air to ground missions? Just because it says “fighter” on a label doesn’t mean that is all it does.

If you want to bomb bases, try out Sim EC. Best game mode for attackers…

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Yes, but it takes a full understanding. There are some aircraft that people think they are a fighter, simply because of the platform they are on. For example the AJ and JA viggen, people think they are the same, but, the AJ designation means “Strike/Attack-fighter,” for it’s main purpose, then secondary, being strike, then fighter. Then you have the JA, which is the exact opposite, “Fighter-strike/attacker,” being its intended purpose of being a fighter, and secondarily a strike aircraft. The Phantom, which I already assume that you’re talking about, is almost tailor made for strike applications, but it has the speed and abilities of a fighter.

I don’t like that they do, but they do, if I do bombing sorties, I run the AJ-37 in Sim, because it’s fast, but still not as fast as a phantom when it’s fully loaded, because of engine/speed compression. Still waiting for gaijin to fix the damn secondary mode for the AJ in sim, may be my controller though…

Not my fault gaijin made bombing one base the equivalent of nearly 3 air kills if you wanna bomb in a strike aircraft go play sim

no one was blaming you

Sim is harder if you are using just a KB and mouse.

True, but you can pick up a Logi X3DP for 30-40 bucks, like I did :P

having to buy a flight stick to just be able to grind strike aircraft is not reasonable.

I didn’t buy to grind, plus if you end up liking sim, and trying other aircraft types, you can use it for those too. Also (depending on your preference or what nation you live in) you can run into your local Best-Buy and or any other tech store.

Thats true. Sim is not bad and it can be fun. I tried it for a bit and getting shot down so easily because i cant maneuver with mouse and kb to defend air attacks got annoying.


You buy a flight stick because flying with it is much more fun! = )

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I tried using the JA37 to fight in sim, but my radar likes to go all wonky and lose a hard lock in PD mode, my AIM-7 randomly blows up, there’s no lock tone for the AIM-7E-2, im riding the deck (literally 33 meters at Mach 1.12) and a R24R doesn’t multipath, and since the FM nerf close range engagements are a thing of the past, oh, and the thing bleeds speed so fast I stall at 200mph after a short turn.

I’ve played 120+ matches at this point and still don’t have it spaded. :P

I love the Viggen but it either really hits, 2-5 kills in a match, no death, or you don’t get to the battlefield before the entire team is hardlocking your ass and your the main target of the furball.

I plan on upgrading to the x56 pro soon

Edit: I love all the Hat-switches on the on the stick, and the side switches on the throttle

Thrustmaster Warthog user here. With Quest 3. And homemade sim pit with working buttons and switches.

Special treat: The Warthog has a detachable stick, so with a bit of work you can build an extension, mount the base between your legs, and have realistically placed and moving control stick…

= )

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