PlayStation has the second Sale in just two weeks, Xbox nothing right now
WTF wanted to spend some cash on planes but gaijjin didn’t gave discount on them, Mirage F1 isnt even that new, why it didnt get discount. Well at last i saved some money to spend on other things than WT
Ok who ever at gaijin told steam to remove most discounts is hilarious.
Now it’s just 4 things
Good job Gaijin on saving me money! Love this strategy of not making me want to spend a single dollar because the 2 planes I want aren’t in the sale (J-7D and Kfir Canard)! Kinda bold refusing money like that, takes balls!
Will the XM-1 Chrysler remain available?
Also the Dora is the only German premium Rank IV fighter, and the only one (consistently available) between 4.3 and 8.7. Are there plan for a replacement(s)?
Are there plans for a new top Italian premium or is the AMX it?
so will xm1 and a6e be removed from getting it in a pack and still be available in the tech tree or just removed from being purchased
And Italy gets another pack removed from the store, which is kinda strange since Turkish F-104S is quite a popular premium imo, I see a lot of players using it as a fast base bomber/grinder.
Honestly you can see real Gaijin’s attitude towards each nation by just looking at the store.
No, they might return it in a Lootbox or national Holiday from time to time, maybe make it a GE premium somewhen. But after this Sale it will be gone for an unknown period of time.
They become completely unobtainable for the foreseeable future.
I have spent 155EUR today.
15EUR on the Fw 190D because it´s getting removed and… 140EUR on groceries xD
I am actually very proud of myself, that I threw out the F-4S, A-6E, F-20 and the Clickbait out of my Steam cart and bought 2 weeks worth of food instead.
I have all the US TT planes, so why take F-4S when I can bomb with F-111F. Why take A-6E when I can CAS with A-10. Why take F-20 when I can PVP in F-16A. Why take Clickbait when GRB midtier funtier exists and top tier is unbalanced hell anyway. Gaijin should actually pay us to play top tier GRB lmao. Thanks to this reasoning I saved quite bit of money today. Feels good.
I just noticed Gaijin removed most of the -50% sales on vehicle packs on Steam anyway.
Looks like someone made a big doodoo, whoops xD
Yea from around 30 to now 4 I honestly think the magic isn’t there anymore with them
Horrible sale! I was waiting for the Su-25K to be on sale. When will gaijin learn their lesson?
Seems like they never do I can find better stuff at a car boot sale
Plus, I do play War Thunder with my Xbox console account, so even worse when Xbox is late to the party. :/
Honestly I feel like picking up Flying circus Vol.I atm
When are Xbox pack sales?
So you don‘t have a Sale Right now and Even don‘t know if the SU-25K will be on sale or Not. The Xbox Sales are mostly different to the other Sales. Sometimes better but sometimes Like the last time there are Like 5 vehicles on Sale.
Yeah am on Xbox
No Somua SM discount, whyyy?