The M4A1(76)W medium tank was the first 76mm armed version of the Sherman to enter production and had a cast hull, work on the M4 series of tanks (final design) began in the summer of 1943, the goal was to combine all the major upgrades and improvements developed since the M4 went into production, into a standard basic design that could be used with the various hulls and engine combinations used for the M4. The M4A1(76)W mounted the 76mm gun and had the new “wet” shell storage system, in the original M4 the shells were carried on racks in the sponsons, where they were very vulnerable to damage, in the “wet” system ” the racks were moved into the floor, on both sides of the crankshaft sixty-five shells were carried, protected by 130 liters of water, another six rounds were carried in a ready-for-use rack in the turret floor, protected by 8 liters of water, to allow access to floor racks, other modifications included the use of a sharp-point differential and final drive housing, 6.5cm thick front armor and a vision dome for the commander. The first production tanks were armed with the M1A1 gun, lacking a muzzle brake and featuring a circular hatch in the turret, the smaller oval magazine hatch was introduced on the 1,225 tank, in August 1945. Later tanks they also had the M1A1C or M1A2 versions of the 76 mm gun, both equipped with a muzzle brake. The M4A1 76W was the first of the “final” design tanks to go into production, the first was completed by the Pressed Steel Car Company in January 1944, between then and the end of the war a total of 3,426 were built, it was the first of Sherman 76 tanks to see combat in US hands. After the Second World War, many M4A1 (76) W were assigned to the European countries that joined “NATO”, including Italy which received 50 units in 1948, which went on to form the renewed Armored Divisions “Ariete” and "Centauro ", and was redesignated M4A1 76/52. The addition of this tank would help the Italian TT to be more competitive thanks to its performance.
It’s been discussed before on a separate thread, however, this vehicle is not an M4A4. The roadwheels are far too close together, even when viewed from this angle. Probably just a normal M4. Still cool and more unique though.
We do not need more captured vehicles, especially when this is literally just the M4A1 76 W that is in the USA tech tree at 5.0.
If you want to play the M4A1 76 W then just play the USA. dont add unchanged vehicles from other nations just because it would be cool. unless you want to fight nothing but shermans from br 3.3 to br 5.7
It is not a captured M4A1 76(W), it was in service in the Italian Army together with the M4A2 76(W)
Ps. I would honestly prefer these vehicles used by Italy rather than the Soviet copy and paste (T-34 85 and IS-1/2) used by Hungary.
Congrats on the both of you for missing the point.
the point is we do not need more copy/paste vehicles across tech trees.
the whole selling point of each tech tree is to be as unique as possible, if we just add vehicles from other tech trees for fun then we will end up with an unrecognisable slop.
Well, OK, but if a tech tree is empty from 3.3 to 4.7, would you like it? And, again, if you are a 1 tech tree guy, wouldn’t you like to play something different from the other nations?
my 1st tech tree was the UK and ive gotten all the way to 7.7 there, same with Germany, ive reached 7.3 with USSR and 8.7 with USA.
when there are gaps in tech trees the best way to fill them is to find a vehicle that is unique to that nation, not to scrounge through other tech trees looking for stuff.
And if you really like a specific vehicle, then play that tech tree until you get it, you can do multiple trees at a time.
Who says i think the chinese tech tree should exist?
Honestly i think they shouldve done what they did to Israel, start them off when they actually get unique vehicles instead of having a conglomerate of the USA and USSR until you reach mid-tiers.
but that would mean that Gaijin would have to think of a way to give those players a way to get crew skills despite their high starting BR and lack of reserve vehicles, and they still havent though of a way yet