Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

J-16D carrying 2 PL-15s

its brutal not having ARH. SARH are completely inferior as they are irl. ARH no longer require you commit to an attack leaving yourself exposed.

Does not matter if the R-27ER is faster & buffed as is. The Speed is not worth they ability to send a ARH on its way & buy precious time to defend.

Yes the MAW works if you deactivate CM slaving. I do still want them to add the ability to limit how many deploy when its on.

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Also the cockpit will not be modelled after all? Its still the same. If we are going to be forced with the J-11A at least give us the updated cockpit.

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I guess its coming later, they didn’t even bother to add a skin. Prolly don’t even know what to add.

Well I would really appreciate it if they gave us some modern colors too.

Also, the MAW activates when a missile is 2km-3km

Wasn’t the maw supposed to work at 7 km?

What do you even mean? MAW is modern one present on every helicopter for example with 360 degree with 90 degree elevation, with 7500m

I am not sure. I do not know about it at all really.

However this is not a bad thing because in Air RB there are missiles flying around nonstop. It seems to target missiles coming directly for you.

You can test it flying up to the AA site in custom. The MAW will not sound or do anything until the missile is about 3km give or take from your aircraft. It has not let me down in defeating a missile yet. It just burns through it all almost instantly.

I believe I counted 3 burst per activation which happens immediately after the next if missiles are still in the air.

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The bug report was already acknowledged but I have no idea how long it would take. Don’t have access that source unfortunately, although if the devs decide to knock it back I might just go ahead and order it on Amazon anyway…

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Hopefully they won’t knock it back and will work on it since it is a vehicle they’ve just released.

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They reverted the countermeasures back to 96 on the J11A too…


At this point they might as well just not even added the plane. It is literally a copy-paste J-11, oh but with MAWS and R-77. Yep, really worth the 420k RP to grind out… I’m going to bet the total dev time with research and in game development was less than 8 hours, I could do it UE5 within 3 hours, to copy-paste MAWS code + Actor Component + skin change + copy-paste equipment. And don’t even get me started on the Q-5L and it’s 18 flares because I guess the devs don’t know how to count flare slots on the PICTURE of the Type 941 flare pod (32 slots)? Just a massive frustrating and disappointment of an update, the only good thing I can say about it is the separate flare and chaff release.


If we’re sure and have info on this we should bug report it.

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I see the bug reports got rejected… @Smin1080p can you weight in on this, we may need some oversight here?

We have met the sourcing requirements, furthermore all forms of documentation agree on the radar being N001VE or at a minimum a modified N001V.

Yet another source I dug up, combined with all our sources from the various reports and comments on them, there are 6 sources saying N001VE:

While I appreciate @David_Bowie 's dedication to finding the truth, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the N001VE.

Furthermore, I saw doubts on Rupprecht saying the J-11A had the N001VE, luckily he has always been active on a certain PLA watchers forum:

And lastly, might I remind us all, there is no primary source. All we have are collections of secondary sources. They must be weighed against each other to see what holds up and can be cross verified. And what can be cross verified is that the radarset on the J-11A is the N001VE, perhaps it could be a further modification of it to explain the PPT David_Bowie mentions. But at the very least, we can confidently say it is accepted that the radar is the N001VE for the J-11A.


I can only fire-fight so many issues at a time, here’s what the Type 941 flare pod looks like:


I may get around to reporting it this weekend, but it honestly depends on how much more I got fight to get the correct radar on the J-11A…


After what they’ve said in the report i’m pretty sure there’s no way we’re getting the new radar.

All Western sources are based on incorrect material. The claim that the J-11A was equipped with the N001VE was initiated by Su-30MKK with N001VE.

Su-30MKK with the N001VE has been misrepresented to the J-11A being upgraded to the N001VE, and this has led to sources citing incorrect claims.

Chinese sources state that the J-11A retains the existing N001 and only upgrades the FCS to guide the R-77.

Also, the PPT I mentioned is the one presented by PLAAF Senior Colonel Li Chunghua at Northwestern Polytechnical University about the Falcon Strike 2015 training, which is sufficient primary source and shows more clearly than other unreliable western sources that the radar in question was modified based on the N001, not the N001VE.

If the J-11A was equipped with N001VE as you say, then the number of maximum missile guidance mentioned in that PPT should be stated as 2 and not 1. However, in that PPT it is stated as 1, which shows that the radar remained N001 and not N001VE.

So there is nothing more to discuss about this, all secondary sources are refuted by primary sources.


guess it’s official j-11a is the worst 13.0


surprise surprise

and with every bit of information that gaijin have access, they still chose to use the J11A with 1 max guidance for fox3, analog rwr with no identification, same radar as the normal J11… cockpit???
after 1256 kills in sim with the J11 and alot of struggle to make it usable against any other top tier jet in the last update, this J11A is just a joke.