Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

So its a real project?

I highly doubt we would be able to see so much of it if it was an actual 6th gen project.


Thats true. China usually maintains secrecy about their upcoming projects

Perhaps? But good night now, it’s already 11:30 pm. See you tomorrow morning

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Mostly be regarded as a cultural and creative projects, but nobody knows, like SR-72 Darkstar ;)
But considering AVIC have announced that ground-based Fighter will be named X龙 (X Dragon/Loong) and carrier-based will be named X鲨(X Shark), the naming is really illogical

The “Nan Tian Men Plan” video released by CCTV Military Channel


【先进到超乎想象!“南天门计划”到底有多牛?-哔哩哔哩】 先进到超乎想象!“南天门计划”到底有多牛?_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

【【南天门计划】“本片内容,纯属科幻。”-哔哩哔哩】 【南天门计划】“本片内容,纯属科幻。”_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


Chinese Air Power, by Yefim Gordon

Sometimes we can’t be super picky with sources, if he has info on the Pl-8B seeker, it would be helpful.

I used to have information that linked the Pl-9C seeker to being the same one on the Pl-8B and TY-90, but I don’t seem to have saved it unfortunately. We either need another source on the 8B seeker being multi element + DSP (data signal processing) or we need 2 sources saying the seeker is the same as the 9C/TY-90. I have a Chinese book on their missiles, so I can prove the 9C and TY-90 uses multi-element + DSP, but oddly the 8B is left out and only briefly talked about the base Pl-8. I do have another book coming ~next week, it may or may not have more information.

Regardless, I think the reason the 8B isn’t in game yet is because it would be heavily nerfed, we are talking about a missile with the same seeker technology as the TY-90. IRL, it is almost impossible to flare if they are using a good algorithm with the DSP, hence DIRCM or long continuous flare drops needed to combat it with any form of success.

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Yes I agree but I feel like the developers are extremely picky on sources, especially with China partly due to the huge number of edited photos and partly due to most of the chinese information are classified.

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You should know that the Chinese thought that Russia could do very well, but the results were disappointing. The performance of the Russian Air Force in this war was also disappointing. There have even been cases of attacking their own aircraft. This is incomprehensible.

And what’s wrong with that!?Apparently they don’t show you much?
Before writing, you should at least read and make a table for yourself

  1. The combat personnel of the Air Defense of Ukraine and the Organization and Management …
    1a.How many air defense and radar systems have been received from Western countries since the beginning of the conflict…
  2. The composition of the Air Force…
    2a.How many aircraft have been received from Western countries…
    2b.How many storage bases have been commissioned-for example, I know for sure about Su-24-17 pieces…
  3. From which systems do they receive information support with intelligence from Western countries…
    Of course, I have a personal table of confirmed losses (photo / video), it contains 185 pieces of aircraft, helicopters destroyed on the Ground and in the Air…
    But I will give you a link to the old publicly available data… Потери и боевой состав ВВС Украины - Страница 77 (

Please this seems to be a rather personal discussion, could you two keep it in your dms?

Interesting but i don’t really know what to get from these… like it is an official project and its advertised by CCTV?


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My book arrived early. We got 2 sources now saying the radarset on the J-11A is the N001VE. Cockpit is also incorrect as I suspected, should have 2 MFD’s, one being added on as the A upgrade package. Additionally RWR is also incorrect in game, the author unfortunately doesn’t know/state which RWR is used but he notes that the RWR antennas are different than the J-11/Su-27SK.

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Which one is your new source? cause in the other bug report the accepted one was the:
From The Dragon’s Claws: Assessing China’s PLAAF Today, Vayu Aerospace, Issue IV 2017, page 15:
“In 1999, an upgraded version of the J-11, equipped with new N001V/ VE radar flew for the first time and was designated the J-11A. Seven PLAAF units are equipped with this variant.”


Modern Chinese Military Aircraft 1990-Present; Ryan Cunningham, it’s very new, released this year IIRC.

ok to give some clarity to the devs i’ll post this as a comment:
This was the source deemed as “usable” for the bug report. Ofc it needed a secondary source.
1st source:
From The Dragon’s Claws: Assessing China’s PLAAF Today, Vayu Aerospace, Issue IV 2017, page 15:
“In 1999, an upgraded version of the J-11, equipped with new N001V/ VE radar flew for the first time and was designated the J-11A. Seven PLAAF units are equipped with this variant.”

And this is the newly provided secondary source:
2nd source:
Modern Chinese Military Aircraft 1990-Present; Ryan Cunningham
“Reportedly, the J-11A began its flight test programme in December 1999 and entered production by 2002 (if not earlier). By now, Russia had also relented on the radar dispute, supplying the improved N001VE system.”


I’ve updated my comment with info such as publication date and ISBNs but i don’t have the book and the Bug report still misses these two issues:

  • Image of the cover
  • Images of all the referenced pages and their page numbers (we still miss the numbers/they are not visible in the photos that you’ve provided)

Also since it’s a pretty good chance of getting the radar, if i were you, i would modify the “rant” section and delete it since it will just bother the developers IMO.

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I removed the middle rant section and added the covers. Even if I got passed along, the Tech Mods would just remove my rant for them to see. I still think the rant is necessary though, the devs need to see that their current requirements are quickly becoming impossible to meet as newer and newer equipment is added.