ok to give some clarity to the devs i’ll post this as a comment:
This was the source deemed as “usable” for the bug report. Ofc it needed a secondary source.
1st source:
From The Dragon’s Claws: Assessing China’s PLAAF Today, Vayu Aerospace, Issue IV 2017, page 15:
“In 1999, an upgraded version of the J-11, equipped with new N001V/ VE radar flew for the first time and was designated the J-11A. Seven PLAAF units are equipped with this variant.”
And this is the newly provided secondary source:
2nd source:
Modern Chinese Military Aircraft 1990-Present; Ryan Cunningham
“Reportedly, the J-11A began its flight test programme in December 1999 and entered production by 2002 (if not earlier). By now, Russia had also relented on the radar dispute, supplying the improved N001VE system.”
I’ve updated my comment with info such as publication date and ISBNs but i don’t have the book and the Bug report still misses these two issues:
Image of the cover
Images of all the referenced pages and their page numbers (we still miss the numbers/they are not visible in the photos that you’ve provided)
Also since it’s a pretty good chance of getting the radar, if i were you, i would modify the “rant” section and delete it since it will just bother the developers IMO.
I removed the middle rant section and added the covers. Even if I got passed along, the Tech Mods would just remove my rant for them to see. I still think the rant is necessary though, the devs need to see that their current requirements are quickly becoming impossible to meet as newer and newer equipment is added.
To avoid deviating from the main topic and to keep it clean you should still discuss it privately (if you find the findings or conclusion of the discussion to be useful then ofc post it in the forum)
There are plenty of people that will have their own ideas, as long as you think and know you’re in the right and have the sources to back it up just ignore them, if they are trolls they’ll get tired once you don’t give them attention.
The discussion goes back 300 messages and talks about how Russia and it’s own planes and tanks are doing in the Ukraine war, also talks about hangars for aircraft… how is that relevant?
“The main reason behind this work were the dated avionics of the original N001 radar, which as a first step were replaced by or updated to the N001V with better tracking performance. This was further improved by the N001VE which was capable of engaging two targets using both SARH R-27RE1 and active radar homing R-77 AAM’s. … The variant was called the J-11A…”
We don’t have to add quotes to the reports, the devs will get the pages I posted and if they desire, they can obtain copies of the books if they think there is more information.
Regardless, we have 2 valid sources for the N001VE in the J-11A, not sure what the hold up is on acknowledging the report.
I’ve read the issue… seems pretty much fine. The third source doesn’t directly say that the radar was the N001VE but it heavily implies there was an upgrade… the other two sources are crystal clear with that and technically we have another source that is the book @pegabug bought… if possible we could contact the author of the issue and give him this fourth source (in the case they reopen the issue… at the moment it is acknowledged and comments are restricted)
After edit: @_DarkWorld25 (author of the issue)
In case you might need an additional source for the J11A radar we have this one:
Modern Chinese Military Aircraft 1990-Present; Author: Ryan Cunningham
Date of publication: 14th March 2024
ISBN-10: 1838863494
ISBN-13: 978-1838863494
“Reportedly, the J-11A began its flight test programme in December 1999 and entered production by 2002 (if not earlier). By now, Russia had also relented on the radar dispute, supplying the improved N001VE system.”
Neither sources are primary and are slightly more ambiguous about what their information comes from, obviously the radar can not be observed and therefore the devs are weighing up the sources carefully. The sources for Chinese vehicles always have to be more clear and authoritative due to the huge number of misinformation and rumours.
The employee themselves say that encyclopedias aren’t material that we can use for Chinese bug reports.
But a different employee said that one of the best and most accurate sources that we can use is 中国飞机全书 that in its cover clearly states it is…
So can we use it or not…?