though it’s still not a top CAS, not much batter than JH-7, so don’t expect too much.
Shouldn’t it be superior in A2A tho?
Still not a top CAS, still inferior to even the Su27SM if u so would call it. Su27SM has double rack R77s so that without sacrificing any KH29s or KABs u can still have a 4+4 loadout, which is not possible with Su30MKK/MK2 which has to have a max of 2 + 4. Also that said SU34 is even still beyond that, same with Rafale or typhoon, or F15E/I.
I mean… Probably have to wait until J-16 to have comparable, or better CAS ability.
J-11B only has unguided bombs, unfortunately. J-11B’s main role is A2A.
and how much A2G weapons can it take? 2-4 KD88 and laser bombs?
J-16 has 12 external hardpoints and can carry 12 tons of ordnance.
It can carry LS-500, KD-88, Anti-ship missile (YJ-83), land-attack cruise missile (AKF-98), and anti-radiation missiles such as LD-10. At Zhuhai in 2022 they revealed AKF088C which has extended range compared to KD-88 and has anti-radiation seeker.
As for specific amount of them it should be 4x KD-88.
But you will have to wait a very long time :(
Well yeah, J-16 is AESA F-15E competitor, newest J-16 block is pretty much F-15EX counterpart. I won’t expect to see it until 2026, or December 2025 at the earliest.
The main thing is that the gaijin “approves” the introduction of the KD-88 into the game
if the J11B does not have advanced air-to-ground weapons and it remains an air superiority plane gaijin should make it a plane that excels in this area with modern and advanced missiles like the PL-15 and PL-8B the plane must be a real step forward compared to the J-11A, the planes of other nations have enormous quality, versatility, very correct air-to-air and air-to-ground ammunition, the J11B which I don’t have this quality. For me, I should excel in this, specializing in aerial superiority.
the rafale has : AASM, the typhoon : Brimstone, the F15E : Aim 120 X8 + GBU-39 X20
give the PL-15 to the J11B to make it as unique as the others, but hey will gaijin consider this relevant and applicable in the gamplay of 2025 ??🤔🤔
Pl-15 will not be added. The rocket is too strong at the moment. It will be added along with the R-37M to the Su-35 and meteor on new typhoon and rafale modifications.
You don’t know that
It’s even logically clear.
There is no logic there, it is a baseless presumption
Well I don’t know if a 200km plus range missile is what we need, on a big map it will pretty much be take off, climb to 10k alt, get to Mach 1.5, throw all missiles, (8 for J10s, J15s and 6 for J11s) everyone need to notch and a few dumb noobs will get killed.
The AIM-120 has 250+ miles (or was it km?) range if you extend the battery indefinitely iirc. The PL-15 having 200km range isn’t useful information whatsoever, the conditions for that launch are unknown. Is that 2.2 mach launch at 15k meters? Is that 0.9 mach at 5km? How fast is the target?
The PL-15 is certainly an upgrade over the PL-12, but is it more than 2x the range? I don’t think it will have 2x the range against fighter targets on average that’s for sure.
Even then, any assumptions about when it will arrive to the game are currently as baseless as they can get.
The PL-21 is the R-37M/Meteor/AIM-260 counterpart, not the PL-15.
Two issues, one that no one has ever seen it, closest would be PL17. Two, that they are not entirely comparable missiles with PL21/17 and R37 being more focused on less manoeuvrable high value targets.
Could well have been, AIM120 is half the proposed range of AIM260 whilst PL15 is slightly smaller than PL12 I do think it can do more than what is estimated for Pl15E to be 150km. Maybe not quite 200 in all circumstances, but certainly a huge upgrade and an almost no brainer for the current sub 100km maps we have in game.
Also just to ask, I seem to have seen PL15E with and without folded fins, is that sort of improved missiles or is it just the difference of early and later batches.
It doesn’t change the fact that the PL-15 is in no way an R-37M/Meteor/AIM-260 counterpart like you claimed.