Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Hopefully if other nations are receiving better ARH we’ll see PL-12A.

I am also hopeful to potentially seeing PL-11B on J-8F (not like it would affect gameplay).

I do wonder in which configuration they’ll ade J-11B? Block 1 (AL-31F), Block 2 (WS-10A) or later blocks.

I do hope WS-10 one. Worst case scenario we can/try to pull that US mains cry for 225 engines for 15E


I do wonder in which configuration they’ll ade J-11B? Block 1 (AL-31F), Block 2 (WS-10A) or later blocks

It better be a Block 2 or later variant of the J-11B or I’ll genuinely riot, we’ve been handicapped time and time again and if it were to happen again then I’d loose all patience with Gaijin (Gaijin better be sweating).

The PL-8B and possibly the PL-12A are things I expect on the J-11B anyways, it’ll probably end up being the best aircraft China has if implemented correctly.

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It BETTER be with WS-10A.

I certainly hope the J11B and J10B get their PL8B’s

WS-10A roughly matches the Russian engine thrust and curve. It is not better.
Screenshot 2024-12-07 215005

WS-10A is a domestically produced engine with the goal of performing equally as well as the Russian engine, perhaps with improvements to lifespan, maintenance, and fuel consumption courtesy of the new full authority digital engine control unit.

It is the WS-10B that improves the thrust from the ~125kN static as shown to ~144kN as stated by Chinese media.

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WS-10A has 89.17 KN thrust, AL-31F has 76.49 KN (Dry), WS-10A Wet has 132 KN, while AL-31F has 122.6 KN.

I think WS-10A better than AL-31F, No?


Does this include intake losses?

The graph above is WS-10A

this pic is said to be early WS-10, which has some problems and it wasn’t accepted, later improved WS-10A was accepted for J-11B. and Later improved WS-10A reached 13200KN.
but the curve is referable, showing the engine’s character

As I said the WS-10 thrust curve is similar to, and not more than the Russian engines until the WS-10B. Comparing them all solely to early non FADEC Russian engines is not worthwhile.

I made a mistake, it is WS-10A. but the test standard of the engine, including USSR, is in about 0.6Ma, so it is 13200N, and this AL-31F’s envelope also matches this, 12500N in about 0.6Ma. and seems WS-10A behaves better in high altitude from the envelope.


Long story short, we want the J-11B block 02 with the WS-10A but let’s not over-estimate the thrust increase here. Manage the expectations.


a little improvement is still improvement imo, though not a jump like PW229.

The j11 and the j11a will already happily rip their own wings off so it’s not like it needs that much more thrust.

It is better in thrust, but worse in resource and weight

shouldn’t it be lighter than AL-31F? according to this

No, and you’re showing thrust, not weight.

Looks to me it’s heavier

Also, china seems really behind on engines compared to Russia or USA back like 20 years ago