Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

That’s a tragedy

Gaijin should’ve known China would have many many options when it comes to Rank 8 top tier jets with ARH

They are gimping the nation for no reason

At this point I’m hoping that they give China combined tree the Mirage 2K-EI in the September patch to at the very least give them a solid air-air fighter, that plane has no A-G capabilities but would be a fine option.

Honestly surprised we haven’t gotten that thing yet, it’s a pretty simple copy paste.


This would require removing some vehicles from China (Which I am all for) Like the F86, F100, F104, F16 etc. I think this would be a good move. However, when you have a lineup of only a dozen birds it makes moving to top tier strange. They also balance based on this the RP needed etc. You would get an aviation tech tree with helicopter like ungodly RP for advancement.

The F-CK-1 is another good option.

Taiwan in game should also see the F16C Block 70 and F16V once we get to that point.


As much as I’d love the f-ck-1, gaijin would have to model it, so that means it’s not likely to be added any time soon. The mirage is copy paste so they’re more likely to add it.

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If gaijin doesn’t give us this camo im gonna cry

I feel like that’s a photoshot picture, no reason but just that the lighting and shade doesn’t look right.
edit, the guys user name is CG so…

So you don’t think it carries some form of kd-88’s?

I think I accidentally deleted the message somehow? Don’t know how that happened. Anywho they’re yj-83k’s

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No just that this particular pic is made by CG.
I found his weibo account, mostly CG stuff like a photo of what China’s third aircraft carrier would be like with J31 on it. There are some real stuff but…

Ah… well here’s more of these missiles anyways

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This is where you J15 photo came from

pretty well done

So maybe we won’t get funny anti ship missiles, but I still want the test dummy camo.

JH7A should have them but pretty useless in WT RN.
Camo is really what we want

Hey I wanna shoot them at ships in air sim

j15 flight tests on the aircraft carrier Liaoning on Vimeo

First Chinese plane that will be able to spawn on aircraft carriers. The f16 can land on them but you can’t spawn on them.

Bugs fixed, thanks to my Chinese forum friends

what bug?