Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

The R-73 model that we have is just FoV and reduced sensitivity to countermeasures, there is no circuit to shut off the seeker temporarily. The Magic 2 does have such a system, though.

I remember the report paper from Chinese Air force talked about this ability(I can’t find it), is there any improvement?

There are other options other than the PL-5B like the PL-5C which could be introduced onto vehicles like the J-7E/D, J-8B or the Q-5L.

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Again, more modern IRCCM than they’d like to add

I meant the PL-5C, the one already in-game so there isn’t any excuse whatsoever not to introduce them onto the vehicles I mentioned above. And I’m pretty sure its the PL-5E II which has the dual band IRCCM not the regular PL-5E.

This is kind of true, but i just hope that at least PL5C is added to planes like Q5L/J7E and J8B.

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Where do they get this ‘FOV’ reduction from? I’ve never seen this in any of my books on missile IRCCM, and it just isn’t logical to even do it inside a missile. The earliest effective IRCCM I’ve read about is changing the scan to be off bore, so instead of scanning and moving the missile so that the target becomes closer to the center-line of the missile, the scans are offset so that the edge of all of the scans will meet with the target appearing in the edge of each scan. It functionally does the same but drastically reduces the time spent looking at the target thus reducing the probability that the missile will see a flare. The next major evolution was with DSP, which the 9M is a very bare bones and basic example of where if an additional return on the seeker element is detected then the computer will not use that data it got, stop accepting data for X time, and then resume if only 1 return is detected. The Pl-8B is a further advancement of all these using an offset scan with a 4 multi-element seeker and with an unknown DSP algorithm. At worst the DSP algorithm is the same as the 9M (0% chance they use this IRL, but Gaijin will probably default to it), at best the algorithm is like a Stinger and can create an image of what it is seeing from the return data it collects over it’s flight.

Even the standard PL-5E IRCCM (if it has it, sources conflict) would likely be too ‘good’

Chinas jump to IRCCM immediately caught up to the best 90’s IR missiles unlike their struggle with radar based systems.

The Chinese radar system is just a mess, I have no idea what their codes mean like 1492, 1472 and so on. Anyone have a detailed line of development and relevance for Chinese radars?

J-15’s cockpit.

The MFDs have clearly photoshopped imgs but the layout is legit.

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IIRC, 14 means 14th institute (the manufacturer), 7/9 is the diameter of the radar, the last digit is just a sequential number


This seems to come from a recent Chinese TV drama featuring J-15 but is relatively accurate

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Yeah, they made it drama with the film-like ps on the mfds.

Compared with the Russian Su-33, perhaps Gaijin may not recognize this cockpit

True but i must say i don’t know what J-15 version we’re talking about here since the OP doesn’t mention it. In general we can be certain that the J-15 will be more advanced compared to the Su-33 since the former can use Fox-3s and the latter can’t AFAIK.

This is a prototype

The Su-33 is 25 years older and is not a 4++ generation aircraft…They will have different battle ratings in the game…

I got an image of the J-15s cockpit on display, non functional MFDs but it shows us how it would actually look on the vehicle.


It is 100% the J-15B, upgraded with 5th generation avionics, AESA radar and stealth coating.

I think J-15B cockpit should be more modern with more MFDs, similar to that on J-16. Also due to the J-15B is still under development, I don’t think we get to see such a clear image of its cockpit yet.