Severe Damage for ground vehicles

In NON flying vehicle you can still repair critical damages so it’s a big no.

But maybe something like not possible to repair modules like cannons with less accuracy in simulator should be a good addition to that abandoned game mode.

Others already have, and thus far we’ve only seen a slight rebuff in HEAT, HEATFS, and small APFSDS. All of which are still annoyingly unreliable, just a tad less so.

HESH was buffed to usefulness on a prior patch’s dev server, but for whatever reason that change did not make it to the live server.

APCR was supposedly given marginally better postpen in the same way several patches ago, but frankly I do not see the difference.

And even artillery-caliber HE has been rather inconsistent ever since the Sturmtiger was added, where for whatever reason snail decided to greatly nerf overpressure, even though that thing is hard to aim and can be frontally blown to kingdom come by rifle-caliber MG fire.

I have made suggestions before and none were approved, so you tell me what I am supposed to even do at this point.

Either come up with more evidence or get other people on board. You’re just one person; you pose no threat to a company’s profits and credibility (unless you are Boeing). The more people you have and the more evidence you have the more likely change will occur.

Plus, Gaijin said at some point they are going to rework all of the rounds, I believe in the first roadmap to success. So there isn’t much we can do other than ask until it is added.

That guy that didn’t post for… idk, 4-5 solid months?

Yep, but so far the current reworks have been pretty lackluster on APCR, small-size APDS, HEAT, HEATFS, and small APFSDS. Hence why I am not yet confident, let alone convinced.

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