Setting tips for use for missiles

i just got my first rank 7 plane for usa and im asking for tips/help on how to use/shoot the AIM-9C missile and what settings i need to change so i can do it quickly

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Currently missing the way to do it quickly.

at the moment its limited to

  • Turn radar on. (refine the search volume as needed)
  • Wait for radar to populate with contacts
  • Find / select requisite target.
  • Lock on to the target. (if it fails, or doesn’t select the correct target; break lock and start over)
  • Hope the target is within the limits of the missile’s seeker (improperly set up by gaijin, and is missing critical ECCM features).
  • Fire when satisfied that conditions are met.
  • If the target doesn’t use chaff it may hit them assuming no / limited defensive maneuvers are performed.

Essentially activate the radar setting you want to use. Lock the missile and fire when in range. The AIM-9C is a sidewinder with a radar seeker, so same range as the AIM-9D, use it as a head on version of that basically.

(when you get to planes with ACM you should use it, poor mans HMD lmao)

yeah the issue for me is that i only see the red box outlining the aircraft but it still wont let me fire so must be broken or something within the game

The tutorials in the game have been updated with modern weapons. Check them out of a quick, basic run down of key presses and procedure to use missiles. There are lots of different ones for the different missile types.


yep got it now but its still really weird XD i need to turn off my radar in order to lock onto enemy planes thats going to be fun