Servers issues

Recently my Was Thunder is just not loading properly, the game is ungodly laggy and I can even load into anything, I’ve tested my Wi-Fi and it’s completely fine, my only other thought was my console being dumb but it’s only Way Thunder that’s being like this, I’m pretty sure the servers I’m on got DDOS gaijin please fix

No matter what people say, wifi isn’t fine for gaming, and more-so this game.

The only thing for you from me, being a PC user, is to try hard reboot your console after also rebooting your modem and router/network gear by turning off the console for a minute or 3, and then fire it up again. (That is other than hardwiring your console)

i use ethernet and still having connection issues in war thunder despite other games working fine this is to be expected when there is an event this happens happened during obj 292 event and its happening now during f14 event

Not your thread, and it still doesn’t make your connection not the fault.

am i not allowed to post here?

Well, you’ve not done any diagnosis, and you’re only here to try imply that I’m wrong or mistaken, without even checking anything.

The fact is that the wifi on the OPs end will be causing trouble.

And as I said, it doesn’t make your connection, not at fault.

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Your vain attempts to insult me show you have trouble with something, and I suggest you get that squared away.

I know what I said, and who I said it to, and I know you’re just one of those who want to say they’re having trouble to blame everything.

As I said, you haven’t done any diagnosis, and your reliance on an ISP tech to tell you that your internet is working fine, is as lame as it gets in terms of trying to make out there’s any ‘ego’ issues here… It’s on your end.

check war thunder issues under performance there are posts read what gajin employees are saying about lag pl and stutter reports

Server hamster has the Rona, hes slowly dying atm, we need to shill in for a new one. IDK why the hell I have server pack issues on every server I play on.

I must respectfully disagree, as it appears the error lies entirely on your side. The only evidence of ego-related concerns that I observe is, in fact, your own.

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It still does nothing to validate your statements and personal attacks on me due to merely mentioning the basics…

And that, is the problem that YOU have…

Who in the heck are you guys, because quite frankly, you’re trying too hard to attack me, compared to actually participatging in the discussion…

After all, neither of you have done anything other than try provoke an argument, and nothing relates to the thread or trying to figure anything out, just laying blame and throwing out assumptions.

There’s this thing called routes, and many players will share those routes, but it doesn’t mean the servers are the source of the issue.

And that lays waste to all of both of your statements. You are literally ignorant, and I don’t care if you want to pick up on my stating the obvious that Wifi is BAD for gaming, no matter how other games work fine, this game and it’s mechanics are different.