Server Update 25.01.2024

Have you played the 2S6? Type 81 (C) is much more forgiving.

Yes im playing 2S6 since this thing got missile nerf to 17G at the time and move from 11.0 to 10.7 because the Missile nerf

The rationale for this is not persuasive; the clear intention is to make Gripen an easier target for the R73. If you apply this logic to the AIM-120, we would welcome it, as the AIM-120 has a similar size to the AIM-7, is lighter, and the cost is nearly equivalent in early versions. With this reasoning, the AIM-120 would be worse or on par with the AIM-7.

They did it because they found info that the BOL launches smaller flares, not because of balance reasons.
and what would AIM-120, a radar missile, have to do with flares?

not, they just know mass of pyrotechnic compound.
Here, they argue that because POL is lighter, it cannot be as effective as usual.

That is an over-simplification. BOL IR does weigh less than traditional flares, but the IR compound is specifically tuned to the IR wavelengths used by IR missile seekers. Tradition flares for example waste an amount of their energy radiating visible light which is useless against missiles, where as BOL IR emits next to no visible light (it is only visible in videos because digital cameras capture some IR wavelengths as well as the visible light spectrum - and even then you only tend to be able to see it at night). BOL IR also spreads out to form a large cloud of IR radiating material, instead of a single point like a flare. All this means that BOL IR, despite being lighter, is likely about as effective as a normal flare (possibly even more effective against some threats such as IIR missiles).

Then there is the unrealistic extent to which Gaijin nerfed BOL. The BOL chaff packet weighs 18% less than the PPR-26 chaff cartridge (which is considered a standard countermeasure in game), but Gaijin nerfed it to have 75% less radar echoing area. Likewise for BOL IR Gaijin reduced the burn time to an unrealistic extent.


this is absolutely correct.
i didn’t say that what Gaijin did was correct, just that they didn’t do it for balance reasons.

They do objectively fire smaller flares, that is what lower mass means.
But Gaijin do however miss the fact that BOL does other things to increase its effectiveness (see Server Update 25.01.2024 - #27 by Flame2512).
i just said that they didn’t do it for balance. not that it was a correct thing to do.

And it’s surprising that most Soviet aircraft do not use POL but rather Lage caliber. This update aims to reduce the survivability of any technology tree in the future there will undoubtedly be get POL, except for someone… and we have more reasons to use words like…

Almost certain it was for balancing. BOL + Gripen has probably be the single most complained about I see at the moment. Nerf BOL through the floor, and that is solved. Its just killed many many other aircraft performances as well annoyingly.

BOL has been in the game for well over a year, and Gaijin have known about it’s IRL design that entire time. It does seem likely that they only decided to change it now due to the Gripen being so dominant.

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I’m kind of split about this nerf… On one hand I think it’s really great for balancing but after reading into it the nerf is kind of made-up.

I think they should instead make radar missiles more effective against low flying targets + buff the R73 flare resistance, they should be very scary to deal with.

Advantages of flares are greatly exaggerated in this game because Gaijin has kind of forced this Fox 2 meta by making radar missiles useless when flying low. If Fox 2 is all we can use against people who have 1 braincell to figure out the low-flying then of course BOL is extremely potent. It’s a shame.

It’s not that powerful; POL on Gripen only really makes it challenging for the R73 because now they have to get close to Gripen to launch them. But almost everyone is complaining that they don’t know how to approach Gripen closely instead of spamming R73 at distances over 1.5km.

No, that doesnt work. 9Ms would also need a buff to IR resistance.

If the only issue with the Gripen was the amount of flares that can be carried, they should have just removed 2 BOL rails for now. Its so badly nerfed other aircraft, like the Harrier Gr7 and Tornado F3 that their CMs are now almost unusable and they sit with significant disadvantages already.

What they need to do, is to actually model reheat plumes having temp, Flares would be nerfed (or at least you would need to throttle down) , IR Missiles would be buffed (against stuff sat on reheat) and the game would be a lot more realistic

Yes! The issue with Gripen is that it can hold auto flares for too long, so they increased the number of flares launched per volley; the rest of the changes in neft are unnecessary.

I only said the R73 because I’m of the impression that the 9M flare resistance is pretty insane right now? (as it should) I might be wrong though I haven’t played that much.

yeah that could work too. I just want out of this fox 2 meta, it’s dull. Flares should not mean invulnerability.

And F15 flying at you at Mach 1.5 at 40,000ft with radar missiles should scare the crap out of you, but it takes zero effort to avoid it unless you’re also at massive altitude

Its good, though 9Ms are probably underperforming compared to IRL levels (and do have other outstanding modeling issues).

But I know from an RAF doc that 9Ls should basically be immune to flares if in rear aspect and target is on reheat. THey arent currently. So we can assume 9Ms should be at least that good, maybe better. (though I think that is entirely to do with how they model engine temps currently)

Oh yeah, I agree. Tornado F3 would have been quite good if BVRs were stronger and both of Britains next A2A aircraft are BVR trucks.