Server Update 23.01.2025

They were doing that already at 6 min in RB, at least at the BRs I play. I think the change is better interpreted as enforcing 16v16 (more bots) and increasing the bot BRs (better bots).


Does anyone know if the changes to bots now counting for battle tasks also counts for wagers? I may or may not have 25 Destroy 10 unit wagers that I am thinking could help me with my SL problems…

Range updates not based upon that timer (like it should) or by pressing any button (like it use to) instead it updates once the ship has moved towards you or away from you a certain distance. I think its about 700m.

Per patch notes, daily tasks - yes; BP challenges - not so much.

I’d test it myself if I were you. Actual result may vary.

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Last time I played, you had to spam the button, and the cheaters whom had auto aim would insta nuke any ship you had

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Would be much better and much fairer given the prevalence of bots and the acknowldgement of that by including them in daily tasks comleyeions, to also now include them in wagers too.

For instance, I’ve just completed a destroy 5 units wager. Despite destroying 5 units because a couple of those were bots (way more in the match than humans too btw) the wager was incomplete for that stage.
That absolutely sucks tbh jsut like them not counting towards battle pass challenges too.

Please can this be addressed and changed to allow the above, rewards are meh enough without losing out because we have to face bots

Its not been like that for about a year, maybe a little longer.

Yeah - I’ve noticed the “Kill 25 player vessels with a blue water ship” counts bots - makes if (cough) rather easy.,…

That’s a special task - the kill 10 units equivalent daily task works too

No, it’s still bad. Tried it earlier, Almost died because I was too close to update range and it kept going between two targets.

The crew needs to update the range

Whilst I agree the range should update with the “updating range” timer/bar, especially as that would allow you to roughly calculate the rate of change in the Y direction by giving you a set time interval for each range update (i.e, if it updated every 10 seconds and it was dropping 100m everytime, you’d know how much to lead by if it took 20 seconds for your shells to impact. 200m)

I’ve yet to have any major issues with range. And dont take this the wrong way… but how are you missing when “the target was too close” . Why do you need to update any range, just slam broadsides into the target blind. If you’ve gotten too close that your guns can depress enough, then… dont get that close. I personally have most difficulties with the ranging system when the target is 12km+ away and the shell travel time has to be fully taken into account

Settings > Naval Battle Settings.

Disable “Automatic Target Lock”

Because, maybe it’s an Xbox thing, but you have to pretty much aim at the bottom of the ocean for a lot of shots.

And yes I have that disabled. It was when I was trying to update range and had to press A but another ship was too close, so I lost lock on the first ship, and could only lock the far ship.