Server Update 19.09.2024


  • A-10C — the inability to take presets with 500 lb Mk 82 bombs and pods with M247 rockets without researching any modifications has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • New reticles and presets for the following tanks have been added to the Sight settings menu: Leclerc, Challenger 2, Merkava, Ariete. We would like to thank authors from WT Live as these sights use reticles made by them.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Good good good. But it would be nice if sights didn’t reset


Is there a BR change plan coming?
It’s been 5 months since the last ground BR change.


I asked the same yesterday but sadly no response.

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Regarding the sight customization, could we expect to see WWII/historical sights get added at some point within the customization menu/system?


Hope they are trying something to decompress ground battle rating.
5 month is kind of record for ground vehicles battle rating changes


That’s a cool art design


AI, sadly

Definitely not this one, the details are too small and specific.

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Time for some more IFV sights now :)

M48 Patton hulls do NOT traverse anymore, is it that difficult to fix the transmission to pre-patch levels?

Did the SU-24M MAW’s always get triggered by flares or is it a new bug?

All MAWS gets triggered by flares, chaff, and other planes. It’s annoying.

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oh a lovely never-fixed bug. great

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Will there be a guide from the developers on the new functionality of the sights?
In particular, I am interested in whether it is possible to change the color of individual elements?

For example, the sight of the T-72 tank should have a red laser rangefinder marker:

And turning on the sight backlight should only affect the set and the correction scale.

Have they added functionality that can implement all this through scripts?
Or have custom sights already outlived their usefulness?

Sorry for the Google translation. The developers ignore the Russian-language forum. Perhaps you can find an answer to your question about sights here.

Oh wow, I actually couldn’t tell that this was translated. Google Translate is getting very good. I double checked for grammar errors and I do not see any. It’s basically perfect English. Impressive.

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I think it still is, just touched up afterwards. That seems to be the way they run now.

Remember the navy pfp? With the “Swordfish”

I dunno, this one just looks… different than the ones that are like that. It just has a more human aspect than something like the new J-10 launching a Pl-8 wallpaper they have up.

I just feel like the lighting doesn’t add up, doesn’t feel naturally drawn

The smoke in the back is a little weird but I suppose everyone has their own artistic choices