Server replays entirely broken

Server replays currently do not work at all. They are stuck in one position while all tanks move around you. So much for any cinematic work…

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Its not the same effect it loads every vehicle in the map theres just no option to follow a player. Everyone is still a parachute as in “loading in”

Its buggy if you restart the replay it starts woking. It needs a lot more time downloading i noticed and much slower now. I wish they fix some fo the bugs in server replay like in guner view that the camer actualy follows the reticle in helicoperts and tanks. sometimes its not sticking to where it should.

Its because stabilization doesnt work

I’d not write it off as not the same and not applicable so fast.

If the breakage has happened at the same time, the issue could very well be related. Especially if the start of this was the most recent major patch.

Be sure to check other replays, and see if they all do it.

It’s just the symptom of it being on a console could differ from on the PC due to the platform difference and PCs handling more.

Be sure to report it if more are experiencing the same issue that you have.