should have been different against ERA since DM53 and L27A1
Screenshot from me in game thats been resolved does give you the rights to blatantly insult everyone any anyone who doesn’t agree.
Youll also conveniently missed out the fact he team killed me.
Stop trying to take some moral high ground or searching for an excuse.
Just stop
Alexa define hypocrisy
Would you like the Cambridge or oxford definition.
As contextually thats not hypocritical.
You are fervently defending every single thing you by insulting any and all who dare question it.
You make no relevant points of argument, heck you’re making no relevant points even to warthunder bar saying Russian bias essentially.
You have been banned for it due to doing it so much every thread you go on its like this it creates quite the distinction.
Im sure if you screenshot the other persons insult, or infact tell a moderator whom i believe can see it before the edit theyll look into it.
ah but see I wouldn’t report someone for that because that’d make me a hypocrite like you
and lying about what he said or how he behaves in general (like you’re doing) wouldn’t make it any less so
He’s not the only one reporting you, you realize?
I’m super surprised the mods haven’t permanently suspended your permissions to speak on the forums, as every comment is an insult.
Or a bad argument with purposely false information.
You’re packed full of bias, and therefore can’t have a fair argument.
mic drop
Where am I lying ?
You are now insulting me , and with no basis calling me a liar.
Hes calling me a liar, where have i lied?
Ive done nothing but point out that he has caused issues on every topic he comments on.
Objectively doesnt answer anyone just insults, insinuations and un based accusations.
Doing sth then turning around and criticizing (reporting) others for that same thing is the definition of hypocrisy.
Trying to justify said hypocrisy by pointing out (falsely or not) that other ppl are mean/worse is a fallacy.
Exaggerating said people’ behavior to try and create a “distinction” is lying.
You see the issue? I’ve replied neutrally like I’ve done many times yet I know this just reinforced your already false belief that I -quote- “objectively doesnt answer anyone just insults, insinuations and un based accusations.” or that “every comment is an insult or a bad argument with purposely false information.”
Again that’s called the backfire effect.
You are without reason or basis for insulting literally everyone who disagrees with you.
The dude that killed me team killed me before hand knowing fine well what they were doing.
At no point did i say what i said was right or correct.
You are even claiming that the moderators are against you.
There is no hypocrisy here, you arent doing the same as me either, you are attacking everyone, derailing every thread you go to, then claim you are being singled out.
At no stage have i tried to justify my own behaviour.
Only objectively pointing out yours.
You again are literally proving the point.
You have not responded to anything war thunder related without just insulting the people posting.
You claim that what im saying about you is false information, when in reality the nonsense you have been spouting is in the thread literally in writing.
You insulted me for lying, when i have infact not lied.
You have, victims of persecution.
Now talk about the game. Stop insulting others on a forum.
I come to read the topic and the point gets completely lost.
Hence why i tagged the moderators, and your instant response was to attack me with a post you removed.
You call others liars, hypocrits, that tbey have false narratives then to all that.
Every point you’ve made in that post is false or specious.
And that’s the problem, I’d also like to stick to the game discussion but y’all are so biased and irrational that you can’t even concede which tank is bigger when I provide multiple photos lmao.
So the inevitable cycle is 1. I defend my point, 2. this group uses dishonest arguments to attack it 3. I call that out aggressively or not (feels the same to you) 4. you get upset and spam report 5. mods see multiple reports to ban one guy, choice is easily made
And of course it’s hard to defend a point against 10 ppl without writing walls of text which I hate doing since it creates noise and leads to 10 new sets of arguments that I should address.
It genuinely boils down to you folks being dishonest, it’s the simple truth. I’ve admitted to being wrong on many points, which is sth none of you have done. Dead giveaway. Prove me wrong.
Put this thread through an AI and I’m confident it would give me reason.
Hypocrisy is the definition of what you just said.
None of us are using dishonest arguments.
Theyre logically and well written arguments bar the odd outlier which i cannot nor will try account for.
You did not call anything out referring to others as “commies” which is now removed, is not calling anything out its just flat out insulting others with absolutely no base or grounds for it.
Other than “disagreeing with me means you’re dishonest”
4 and 5 are the same sentence.
So no, the real reason people report you is that you genuinely just insult or ridicule others.
Theres plenty people reporting you at different times the mods go and check it and then ban you.
Thats why.
Defending against 10 people without insulting them is easy.
Make valid well written points and thats it. If they refuse to see logical reason then stop.
But you dont thats the issue.
I havent admitted to being wrong as ive nothing to admit being wrong about my first engagement in this thread was tagging @moderators due to the direction you were going.
And your response literally was to attack me.
I dont have to put the thread into an AI , the relevance of that and you hurling insults at almost everyone whos responded to you is irrelevant.
Nice mix of half-truths, exaggerations and strawman arguments.
Not worth going through every point since it’s just a confused angry rant like the guy convinced that the R73 is utterly worthless.
If they refuse to see logical reason then stop. But you dont thats the issue.
Only good point in there. I do care a lot bc I really hate cheating of any type, because i’ve invested so much time in this game, and because new US players are being treated like PvE mobs, but it is a lost cause especially in a groupthink setting.
BTW obviously I didn’t delete that screenshot.
Anything you dont understand or either a lie or a strawman.
No anger behind it at all.
you are attaching emotions to it.
Its only a rant for you because you cant handle being told no. Somewhat like an angry toddler.
What has this got to do with anytning? The US players objectively are pretty bad at the game, but they also have substantially more players so theres
more bad players for every good one.
As have i invested many thousands of hours and invested my own hard earned money, not now adays right enough.
And would like to see the game balanced properly, and not see fellow forum members mindlessly insulted by someone.
Or are we all out to get you? Is everyone against you?.
Or can you accept how childish it is sit here and insult almost anyone who doesnt agree with every word you spout.
And now ive joined your bandwagon and taken this even further off topic.
@Forum Moderators id like to apologise for pushing this further off topic.
Yeah it’s definitely my fault that you can’t communicate concisely or coherently.
That is not what that means, at all.
Please if you are going to respond at least make sure you are stating, or saying something that isn’t a complete lie, or completely irrelevant in what you respond to.
My saying of I’ve joined the band wagon in taking the subject further off topic is completely irrelevant to how one communicates. (Which my points are all made coherently, and concisely. You are now clutching at straws to try keep this going.)
No, infact the statement of joining the bandwagon refers to how I, have done exactly as you do and derailed the topic even further.
(This is hypocrisy as I have fallen into trying to argue with you oppose to just moving on and ignoring your nonsense.)
Which also, you used earlier, Incorrectly as per the definition of the Oxford dictionary.
Hypocrisy - Behaviour that does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that somebody claims to have.
Pretty sure I said stuff even worse than what you trying to put into my mouth. But that was mod deleting it , I don’t know why I would delet my reply .I don’t gain anything from deleting previously sent reply.
I miss the days when the forums actually talked about War Thunder
Yeah so do I buddy. so do I