Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

What is this list?
I know something is very wrong when you put BVM/90M lower than merkava Chally2E and Leclerc


Ok , load up the game rn let’s have a su27sm bs Rafael / eurofighter , the latter pulls 13gs and turns in 5 sec while su27sm even with air break gets completely out turned , there is nothing you can do against them

Thats what happend when a level 86 thinks 2s38 isnt op

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Leclerc is so good

Ever play one?
Because i do it not that good

Not much of a point unless you’re flying the ‘untouchable’ aircraft and I show you that it’s not untouchable

I’ve played all of the vehicles you mentioned aside from Merkava. And those are the vehicles I found to be the best/most fun to play.

T-Series has good armor but reverse and reload get you killed often

Can we get a picture of your 2S38 stats please?

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Best gun handling at top tier + second best reload + best mobility at top tier

Never said they were untouchable , just untouchable for sm if played right , and it’s not even a competition I already tested sm vs eurofighter with a friend , you are cooked unless eurofighter makes huge mistakes

You have R-73s and HMD, you are almost never ‘cooked’ in a flanker

Ok well not now but I’ll try to fight a friend in a typhoon with my SM and i’ll let you know how it goes

Guns only you will get absolutely stomped but with missiles the flanker beats the typhoon 3/10 times

Stats don’t go your way either.

This is a thread about GRB.
I already shown you an example of RU being dominant in the eyes of the average forum moaner and Gaijin still used mixed battles in ARB.

Have I said 2A6 was better ?
2A7 fixed all flaws 2A6 had, making it the most well-rounded tank in the game.

Reverse speed and gun depression are indeed crippling flaws.
2A7s have neither of those, so they’re much closer to a have-it-all tank.

Maybe in your special world where CQC is nothing more than a 1v1 in a vacuum.

Bounces on a Leopard
Tries to go back to cover
4km/h reverse

If we are rating on looks alone, I’m sorry, but the T-80UK is the sexiest, call me biased in that regard any day of the week lol

Unless they preflare ☠️

Which flying my F-15E, I’ve found just randomly constantly flaring keeps me alive 😂

Bruh… no Leclerc love?

You don’t have either , how do you know and r73s arnt that good in close range you use r77s since they have the same g pull and can’t be flared
