Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

I dont play russia a lot why would i buy it?
And i go against that i see the performance im not baised its just a fact
I can say the same either way
U probably have this so u dont want it to go up in br all tho its a f*ucking 250mm pen autocanon with gen 3 thermals bruh if u cant see how op it is u suck at the game

You’re wrong if you look closely I actually said the 2S38 should be at 15.0 and nerfed to NVG only with 1 rpm

you didnt claim that Begleit doesnt have IRST but TVD, which it happens to have and copared to 2S38 it doesnt have any ATGM

Bro please don’t put words in my mouth I clearly said the Bagel in game doesn’t even have an engine, the crew has to pedal to move it so it has 0.01 horsepower

Maybe when operating gen2 aircraft.

Lets not ignore the fact M1s are straight up better versions of CR2s and Merkavas. They are better than Leclercs too and on par with Japanese ones.

Uparmored Leopards are the true M1 killers, you directed your anger at wrong tanks.

If it’s the same Trophy as on Israeli tanks it will be nothing more than a gimmick.

If those will have the same performance of our current ARHs they’ll be easily defeated past 10km by any semi-competent UFO player. You’ll be relegated to shooting down ordnance with no reward for it lol.

If you’re looking for WRs to improve, putting US in both teams will help with that, as now everyone will have Click-Bait deadweight to babysit.

Buffing a nation simply because many of it’s players are nothing more than ODL wallet warriors makes no sense.


so what proves your claim to hold any water if you never experience it first hand but only voice your opinion only from receiving end. do you know how “BIASED OPINION” work

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bro cant accept reality and just lose it

This is off topic, but I own the T29, it’s stupidly good. I advocate for it to go up in br, as it simply isn’t fair

Things the abrams have better survivability than at top tier:
Any Ariete variant
Any Leclerc variant
Any ZTZ-99A/VT-4
Any japanese MBT
Any Merkava
Any Challenger

So there we go, 6 nations that are worse off than you in protection/survivability

The F-15E is by far the best Multirole CAS in game, followed closely by Rafale and EFT and all 3, plus the next 5 best CAS jets are all capable of dominating a pantsir

The winrates only began to tank when US teams became flooded with premium players, i see more wolfpacks/KVTs who spawn in F-4S or Av-8B NA than actual top tiers at this point, not to mention the Clickbait/AIM wombo combo that ruined the balance of top tier ground.

The fault lies to gaijin for constantly putting US vehicles on sale and not promoting the research of minor nations


let me word it in the way that the likes of you can understand. you are israel main right? would it be right in your mind if i say that Namer 30 is too armoured and too OP for 10.7 and should be moved to 11.7-12.0 instead?

I never played it but i always get killed by it by my OP 2S38 and my OP 3UBM22 cannot penetrate its front so it is way too armoured to be an IFV so it is only fair if 11.0 2S38 that cant penetrate 10.7 Namer 30 should move it to 11.7 or 12.0

second points
Since i never played Namer 30 and only had been able to read their stats card it is fair to say thay what i feel about it matters even though i never played it it said here it has -20 degree depression and 60 degree of elevation meaning it can fill both of Anti air and hulldown defense. It has FIRE AND FORGET missile so i dont care if the missile had only 45% of actual hit since it have FNF missile it is only fair to put it 12.0, also LWS, Gen 3 Thermal, Crewless turret 12+10 smoke grenade and SLERA armour it doesnt matter if any of these works as intended or not but since it is on the stat card it is fair that it should be 12.0

Pantsir is more than capable to counter even Kh38s, but almost never faces them since it might ruin the cope thunder point and click experience and give Russian mains a taste of their own medicine.

Merkavas are better than the Abrams. I’d say CR2 is on par or better with the APS. That and armor make a world of difference. I know you’ll say the Merkava hull is penned easily but of course that leaves out the fact that the engine eats the entire round and it’s free to shoot back all day.

Uparmored Leopards are good which is why Gaijin was so reticent to add them and why they made sure you RU mains would rarely face them, that’s why Germany Russia Sweden is such a common team at top tier.

I love shooting down ordnance and protecting my team. Too bad my otomatic rounds aren’t allowed to detonate Kh38 or my Adats isn’t allowed to lock incoming missiles (that would be unfair for Su34 point and clickers)

If you’re looking for WRs to improve, putting US in both teams will help with that

Yes I’ve been saying that with my comments about ARB being mixed battles. Putting Pantsirs on both teams would equalize things the same way ARB is equalized and prevents a NATO stompfest. But they probably don’t want to because then we’ll have russian players whining that the Pantsir is OP since it kills them before they can get a Kh38 lock, without a RWR warning.



and you are a german main, i noticed that Leopard 2A4 was a little bit too strong for its BR, well i never played it before and only have been on receiving end of it ignoring my Leopard PL i think it should be at 11.3 instead the same BR as Type 90.

Even though i never played it but from the stats card it shows that it had faster turret rotation compared to Abrams and T-80B and also it said the reload was only 6 seconds. I dont care if the ready ammo rack is only 16 i read in stats card it says it can go as fast as 6 seconds.

Do you also see how stupid it sounds like to assume like you know about the tank you dislike just from reading the stats card?

Let me double it down.

What do you think about Leopard 2K it doesnt matter if it does not have thermal or Blowout panel. it is almost the same as T-72B why cant it be like T-72B at 10.3 instead of 10.0? it already had better gun depression and turret turning time and even a faster reload rate at 6.7 seconds opposed to T-72B 7.5 seconds

Abrams is inferior to several of these especially hull down.
Most importantly the Abrams is severely inferior to the 2A7 and T series which are the ones I meant by counterparts, since they’ll make up the majority of the enemy team. That’s what matters to the outcome of the game, not the 3 or 4 minor nation MBTs.

Pantsir can easily intercept all those munitions and kill these jets out of their effective range. More importantly Pantsir can 3rd party jets engaged in a dogfight beyond 15km. Happens all the time.

That’s false of course. US was dominating because of the F16C with its 6 Mavericks doing loops above the battlefield with impunity. Then Pantsir came and gave clear skies to Russian CAS, reversing the situation. But that wasn’t enough so they added Mach 2 ATGMs with enough warhead to splash MBTs 5-10m from impact.
But it’s easy to just hop on the bandwagon and blame new players. As if they’re genetically inferior to new players on Russia and Germany even on EU servers.

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Do russian gluttons actually believe that the Abrams is better than the 2A7 and T series lmfao
Delusion runs deep

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In my experience, Japanese MBTs and Challengers at the very least are more survivable than the Abrams- even the Merkavas- and ZTZ-99A has straight out a significantly armor profile as well.

The Abrams will automatically die in 1 hit ad long as you hit it anywhere but the cheeks or the 3 pixels worth of UFP from the wrong angle.

The crew is so cramped inside that the frag-grenade levels of spall generated on the turret ring and even hull just snihilate 3-4 crew members every time.

And, even if you somehow manage to survive being hit, you will still lose 2 crew members, hydraulic pump, turret traverse mechanism, gun elevation mechanism, engine and transmission- effectively leaving you a sitting duck to die to a second shot.

In that sense, even the Challengers have some form of armor to withstand some shells at some ranges and angles, spall liners to minimise spalling, and lots of internal space on the hull, with crew members sitting quite high and no turret modules on the hull.

Then there’s ZTZ-99A- sure, lower plate whatever. But it has a 700+mm KE UFP compared to the Abrams’ laughable 370mm KE; and if we are going to talk about weakspots, let’s talk about the Abrams’ entire center of mass being a 50mm thick flat vertical plate, not to mention that the entirety of the hyll being 370 mere mm against KE is effectively as bad as ZTZ’s LFP.


Better then the T series, and thats common knowlege unless you are a lobotomied usa main who doesnt know how to drive properly


Today I learned that multi-nation players (9 nations in my case; literally all ingame nations except Italy) are “lobotomised USA mains” as soon as they dare suggest that the Abrams is probably not the invincible flawless OP tank Russian mains make it out to be.

As someone who plays every nation in War Thunder (except Italy) and who actually tries to be objective, I don’t think either the Abrams nor Russian tanks are entirely better than the other. They both have strengths and weaknesses that counter each other in an asymmetrical way.

Russian tanks have superior armor resistance, armor profile and, sometimes, survivability; American tanks have superior mobility, gun dynamics and firepower.

Russian tanks are better to rush and brawl like you got nothing to lose, American tanks are better to play competitively.

Depending on my mood, I may prefer to play one or the other. That’s why I got all of them.

If I want to perform well while shutting my brain off, I play Russia. If I’m feeling like doing my best, I play America.


check his profile you can see why