I have been looking forward to separating Flair and Chaff in the update Seek & Destroy, I was very happy when it was added but in practice, I am only using periodic countermeasures. As u know using them has a very big consumption of countermeasures since it fires both of them but (Switch Countermeasures) button that was meant for that is horrible for use in the heat of the battle. Is there a way that I could obtain to have separate Flair and Chaff periodic countermeasures? Could you send the request up the chain of command for it to be added in the next update or is there an option that I can somehow modify like in (Controls Notepad) or somewhere else so it gives me the capability so that I won’t need to use 3 or more buttons for them but just 2? I hope there is an effective solution for this and I am looking forward to it.
Periodic CM slaves to the CM you have selected, Flares, Chaff or Chaff & Flares.
Set a keybind for "“Switch Countermeasures”.
I personally use this method as I usually carry more chaff than flares for 12.0+
It sucks when you forget to switch back to Flares + Chaff and then try to flare off a IR missile with chaff.
If you read the whole post, you will see that I addressed that key bind. The whole post is about that key bind and its shortcomings. I can tell you that I know Warthunder controls inside and out, and they have many flows, and this one is one of the biggest ones.
yeah you can set keybinds for flare and chaff, I have flares on Z and chaff on X
Oh god read the whole thing Its about Separated Flair/Chaff periodic countermeasures