- Yes
- Maybe
- No

In the 1942, Italy had already been at war for a relatively long time, and various things were starting to
become clear. The Ispettorato Truppe Motorizzate e Corazzate, after various analyzes and checks, found that the AB41 and AB42 type armored cars were starting to show their limits against Anglo-American vehicles of the same type. Ansaldo, at the request of the Inspectorate, decided to produce a prototype of a modified armored car with heavy armament and to propose it to the Regio Esercito. A prototype AB41 armored car was created with a slightly modified hull and a shielded gun placed in a raised stanchion carriage. The armored car also did not have the classic dual-drive system, it had the usual steering front wheels and other modifications to best adapt the vehicle for its task.
After various tests, the vehicle was discarded due to stability problems and its very tall silhouette which made it easier to detect. The experience obtained with this vehicle was used for the construction of the AB43 Cannone.
Armaments and propulsion.
The main armament of the Semovente da 47/32 on the AB41 hull was the Cannone da 47/32 Model 1935. The weapon is fixed with a shield to protect the gunner. The weapon’s traverse should be around 25° left and right and probably have an elevation of -12/+20. The transverse is manual, making it reach approximately 15° sec of rotation. The ammunition load is carried in 2 boxes located under the turret. The engine that powered the armored car was a FIAT SPA ABM 3 with a displacement of 4,995 cm³. Maximum power was increased to 108 hp at 2,800 rpm. This significantly increased the vehicle’s road speed, which was around 80 km/h given the increased weight of the vehicle.
Maximum weight: 7 tons
Crew: 3
Length: 5.2m
Width: 1.93 m
Clearance: 345 mm
Armament: 1x shielded 47/32 cannon
Ammo rack: 100 ammo
Armor: 10-0 mm
Engine: FIAT-SPA ABM 3, 6-cylinders 110 hp engine with 195 liters tanks
Maximum speed: 80 km/h
Pictures and drawnings.
WarWheels.Net-Autoblinda AB41 Armored Car Index
Armi avanzate della Seconda Guerra Mondiale/Italia 5 - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
Autoblinda – Wikipedia
Autoblindo Fiat-Ansaldo - Wikipedia
SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM: L'Autoblindo Fiat-Ansaldo AB40, AB41 ed AB43 (dove il numero indica l'anno di produzione del modello).