Semovente da 37/26, not L6 but not L3.

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Semovente da 37/26.



Shortly after the end of the Second Ethiopian War, the leaders of the Royal Italian Army began to realize that the L3 tanks were showing the first signs of old age. The tanks had fairly light armament, lacked a turret to protect themselves from rear attacks and the crew was too limited. The fighting of the civil war in Spain became a catalyst for accelerating work on the replacement of the L3, but Ansaldo specialists had already thought about the further development of small tanks in 1935. The Italians closely followed the development of the British tanks, the which quickly transitioned from tankettes to two-seat light tanks armed with machine guns. Thus, an attempt was made to create an L3 tank with a turret and armament consisting of at least one cannon and one or more machine guns. Various examples were created by the engineer Rossini but they achieved little success due to the low-performance armament, small crew (always two men, as in the L3) and the low stability and speed of the vehicle. As an extreme solution, engineer Rossini decided to take one of the 5t Carro Cannone prototypes (visually similar to the future M11/39 tank) and deprive it of the turret armed with twin machine guns, while maintaining the 37 mm cannon present in the hull. The tank achieved a small success as the stability improved compared to the original prototype, but this tank was also rejected as it did not follow the guidelines of General Baistrocchi, who supervised the replacement of the L3 tank. Furthermore, this tank was also rejected due to the low performance of the gun, which was starting to be heavily outclassed by the 47/32 of Austrian origin. Despite all this, the experience obtained with this vehicle was used for the creation of the L6/40 light tank, which took up the ideas of the first prototypes of the Carro cannone 5t.

Armaments and propulsion.

The tank was armed with a 26-caliber 37 mm cannon placed in the hull, with an unknown but estimated ammunition reserve of around ten or more rounds.
As an engine, the tank was powered by a FIAT-SPA CV3 4 cylinders, 8,130 cm3, water-cooled, 42 HP power engine, which allowed the vehicle to reach a maximum speed of 32 km/h. The tank also had the same suspension as the L6 tank.



Crew: 2
Width: 1.70 m
Length: 3.51 m
Height: approximately 1.50m
Engine: FIAT-SPA CV3 4 cylinders, 8,130 cm3, water-cooled, 42 HP power
Traction: tracks
Armament: 1x 37/26 cannon
Armor: 30-6 mm

Pictures and drawnings.





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Iirc this cannon didn’t have any anti-tank shells, correct me if I’m wrong.

From what little I know it doesn’t have ammunition for the anti-tank role but it still has armor-piercing ammunition.


Another silly tankette? Yes please! +1


-1. The gun is too weak to make the vehicle viable in any way

It will pen around 37 mm. Just like (around) the 20/65 Breda.

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The 20/65 pens 48 mm, and it’s an autocannon. That’s a massive difference.
Also where did you get that it pens 37 mm? Because it seems too high when we compare it to the 37/40 of the M11/39.

I used this. Not very accurate because I don’t know the velocity of the ammunition.

I can only tell you that it’s impossible, considering the M11/39 gets 39 mm out of a 37/40 gun.

Yeah I know sadly.

L3 + M22 = this cute thing

Yes +1

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But with a gun worse than both. I don’t think it even pens 15 mm.

we can expect 20-25mm at most with aphe. The closest thing in game is the 37mm sa18 l21 from the fcm36 and the 47mm sa34 from the amc34. if it fires the same shell as the m11 39, then it should have 23g of explosives, and be around 0.7kg, but slower at around 400ms.

I’m not sure, but it’s possible that it fires similar ammunition.