Seek & Destroy Update Teaser

The only instance,and i kid you not,the only instance you can kill a 122 on the front with one single hit is being very close and shooting the lowest left part of the hull,of you’re lucky you 1-2-3 the driver,gunner and commander

Otherwise kek

Not saying this. I’m saying that lately Germany has been pretty much on the spotlight,so it’s okay to not have another extremely strong option like the Typhoon instead of the ICE

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lol no. Half the time you get no spalling on the BVM or the shell non pens the Relikt in the side. If we want to bring angled shots in to this you can one shot Leo 2 and Abrams just as if not easier on angled shots do to lack of broken Relikt ERA.

That’s just outright wrong. Also the MI28NM locks onto tanks through smoke with direct fire missiles.

They aren’t bad at all??? They are some of the best in the game right now


I would much rather Yugo with the serbian M-84

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Don’t worry, the Brits weren’t the only ones shafted.

Instead of giving those of us who play France an IFV we’ve been asking for, for a long time, they gave us a subtree to pull the same shit they did to Britain with neglecting native designs and things that actually cover gaps from the Nation on the tin. These planes that shouldn’t have been brought anywhere near the French tree aside the mirage 5.


On me,it happens maybe 3-4 times out of 10,it means that most of the time if i shot a BVM on the side,it explodes violently. Maybe the T-90M can be trolly now since the fuel tanks no longer explode

The Leos without spall liner?sure. The ones with spall liner or additional composite? absolutely not

No?if i could differentiate the kills on my tanks based on the country,URSS would be literally the highest score,with most of them getting annihilated in one shot

Apparently you guys are getting the VAB 30mm

Laughing And Pointing GIFs | Tenor me laughing at german and brit mains for the 2nd update in a row

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I do it all the time? So yes?

I’m going off of my time playing against and playing as the Russian tanks…

And what of Jaguar? At a BR where we actually need gaps covered? They could have given us this and made people actually happy, instead we’re going to get the Nth vehicle that doesn’t have a line, or gets shoved into 8.7 where it is outclassed by most everything else.

That’s simply not true, when you aim hellfire on a smoke it looses laser and goes down falling long before smoke. If laser is in the smoke you completely loose any control over missile


Lately my Hellfires have been falling in front of the targets I’m shooting at for some reason. A target sitting perfectly still with a nice lock and it drops like 10 meters in front of what I have locked

Yeah, welcome to the Sub-TT club


Tree edges also mess it up sometimes

Lying lmao,i need a book to write all the times i shot a Leopard/122 on the sides and it killed only 1-2 of the crew members. Even hitting them dead center, sometimes only kills the commander.


You have zero matches in top tier.
you don’t own a rank 8 vehicle.
you play almost exclusively Arcade mode.

i don’t think you have any sort of basis for you claims in a non-defined discussion on top tier. a vast majority of players play realistic mode so for you to not play that mode means you don’t have experience with anything that he is talking about at the moment.

Did MFDs get reworked entirely?

U can just turn laser off when they pop smoke and it will hit as long as they dont move

It will miss 99% of the time, I tried a lot of things, hellfires have completely messed up flying controls and just can’t be helped


I unlocked all the late Abrams, haven’t bought them simply because they don’t offer a big advantage for me over the fantastic M1A1/HC combo

So my opinion is invalid because i play a gamemode different than yours?lmao

All the “muh Realistic” people out there will literally play bad in the mothball of Arcade battles lmao,so before attacking others for the mode they play, think.

Personally it works all the time for me so you must be doing something wrong.


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