Seek & Destroy Update Teaser

A/G is for the air to ground stores page.

CMD is countermeasures dispense, MSS suggests slaving it to missile warning system

B1-3 probably supposed to be BIT, built in test, to make the MFD look more realistic.

F-15E next lol!

Sure. Go ask the ones that uses them if they’re different. I’ll wait for you to receive the obvious answer i’ve been telling you

I mean "no,they don’t matter less in Arcade " another presumption that Arcade is easier than Realistic,and i’m tired of hearing it. Playing Arcade most of the time will teach you that markers are not always reliable and LoS is always preferred.

Aside from your horrendous analogy that doesn’t make any sense,how? Let’s do a practical test:

With the M829A1 at 500 metres front i can only pen the mantlet,the very LFP and a little bit of the turret ring (if i’m lucky) of a Leo 2A7. Same thing with a BVM: LFP, driver’s hatch,turret ring,gun mantlet. Now look at the A2,does this fabulous 5% increase let you be less accurate with the shots? absolutely not,the area that you penned before are the same, they are sliiiightly larger now,5% to be more precise. But you’ll still hit those parts,and you’ll still pen with the same 2 shells.

Now let’s do another practical analogy: the M735 can’t pen the UFP of a T-72A,not even close range. The M900,which has literally double the pen,can even at long distances. That’s why everyone that has the chance will use the M900 instead of the M735 or the M774 or the M833 because they SEE how the tanks they face suddenly drop dead anywhere you shoot at.
This is also applicable between the M829 and the A1: that ≈20% increase in pen not only is noticeable,but it can save your life most of the times. And i’d rather stay at 11.0 than to constantly be at 11.7 with the same result

Sake of survival???okay,the TUSK on the SEP can’t block tandem warheads (which are the ones you’ll always encounter in TT),only HEAT shells that are only used by stock tanks,a minority.
The ARAT 2 found of the SEPV2 sometimes doesn’t even block tandem warheads despite being created to do so,and better yet their KE protection is far less than the Relikt. Moreover, using them as a form of a spall liner is useless,since if they block some shrapnel, it’s because of volumetric and not because they are intended to do so.

It’s funny to say this to me, considering that outside this forum i’m a chemist . Your definition of “non-defined” doesn’t fall under the scientific meaning,so don’t ever try to use that again


If “Tornado F.3 Late” refers to to the Capability Sustainment Program, they should just name it the “Tornado F.3 CSP” in game IMO. Also that means that in addition to the AIM-120 AMRAAM it might also be getting the AIM-132 ASRAAM? Since that was also a major component of that upgrade package

So a Spain F-16B is what i’m seeing, Operator Country: Spain | Research Country:

Not CSP never CSP

It would be AOP or FSP


Yeah noticed that too, if my memory serves right that’s Iberian Castle in that pic but it could simply be for trailer purposes since EC air maps are too low quality for trailers.

My honest reaction:

My honest reaction:
Seriously. My least hyped update, maybe ever.

As per usual.
It will probably come in the form of the next event vehicle.

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Fireflys use the Griffon engine

Did you guys get a good look at the first 5 seconds? A SAM site, I’d like to think it’s my suggestion but it was shown in an Apache. who knows!

again nothing for germany
typhoon would be DoA at by the time it finally appears at this rate
this game makes me so fucking depressed sometimes

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Now would be too early.


Huh? No addition of new Japanese land tree vehicles in this update?

ASRAAM would be the dream. Aim-9M is probably the reality.

But I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe we’ll get a ultra-nerfed version of ASRAAM, but still better than Aim-9M to give us an edge

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Shute, I was thinking Griffon first… happens when one is too lazy to spend the 10 sec to confirm that thought and instead uses them to second guess oneself 😅

Best regards,

BeNeLux makes more sense to be in the German tech tree than the French tech tree.

If they add it to add more content in the French tree, the French don’t need the BeNeLux vehicles to add more content, France had a lot of military vehicles and still hasn’t been added to WT.

Hopefully it will be in the right tree.


So good question but what are the chances of the Project 11451 coming before the Project 1241.2 or will it be after it?

Both are MPK yet if before it’ll be after the other hydrofoil but if after due to the heavier torpedo battery.

It’s normal to see it as subtree, because it then implies that you guys need to research the main tree to grind up ranks aswell, therefore increasing you grind time by a lot.

Same was with hungary in Italy, and Finland into Sweden,…

I’m now awaiting the one that is going to be in Japan (south korea, or any other one)

For Decieved French Mains:
Having BENELUX was inevitable because of previous reasons.

Yet i agree, we have more aircrafts that would be great to see.
For exemple
Loire-Nieuport 4XX’s aircrafts? (Aka french stukas)

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