Sea Vixen BR change

I just looked at the new BR change, Sea Vixen moved to 9.0 in realistic from 8.7. I think this is not a good change. Because it’s speed advantage got reduced at this BR, while without gun and Gaijin still didn’t plan to add short range all aspect on the Red Top missile. What you guys think?


I found the Sea Vixen to be unplayable even in the slightest uptier, and would even have lowered it to 8.3. Now, I will not touch it again until Gaijin reverts this ridicolous BR Change. They sure are souring their Premium Vehicles.


If gaijin hadn’t nerfed the red tops i would have been fine with it, but rn they are no better than 9bs… Give them the all aspect capabilities they had then we can talk about raising its br…


I don’t understand why people are complaining, it’s Britain, of course any good is gonna get nerfed into the ground and GaYjin just say it’s “balance”


Yep. I really enjoyed using the Vampire as a CAP with 4 missiles to catch PE8’s and other big dumb planes slipping. But now it’s a 9.0 and will see virtually no use.

Germany’s Hunter with 2 9B’s is a 8.0 and the Vampire is a 9.0? Makes no sense other than the Brit tax.

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Yeah, there is now 0 excuse to not give the Sea Vixen its missing all aspect Red Tops. It needed to be 8.3 not 9.0 without them, But now its 9.0… It is needed ASAP


8.3 Would be nice.

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They think increase the speed and reduce the G pull is a buff. But the fact is actually a nerf.

Lol, look at the ground battle, challenger 2E (if i remember corret) and Black night move to 12.0, but challenger 3 which is at end of the line sits at 11.7. I don’t even know what are they smoking.


Sea Vixen at 9.0 now can facing F-4C and some early mirage at 10.0 which have radar missile or magic 1 and way faster.

The CR3 TD is worse than both of them, the only thing it has going for it is the cannon which is still not much of an upgrade

im myself sweaty sea vixen player and i unserstand why they raised the br bcs i had 60% winrate on that thing and almost 2kd, giving red tops back 16gs it used to pull would be nice, now you have basically 4 AIM9-E and no guns, with even slight uptier y cant even run away from dogfights, all wouldve been nice if so called “most realistic” military vehicle fighting game would have realistic missiles :/

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I wish Gaijin modelled the Red Tops correct to their IRL counterparts, which (as understand it) where decently good for their time

I must say here: I don’t hate or dislike the Sea Vixen -I quite like it actually- but Gaijin with ruin any good British thing, the Fox, Centurion Mk.2, British 7.7

No, F-4C is not 10.0 anymore, now it’s 10.3

Should be at the new 10.0, it’s flareless, with shit missiles and we need more good pilots to make it OP against Wallet Worriers (I didn’t misspell Warrior)

Hmmm no matter what BR they place it at it’s still gonna be what you said, a flareless plane with bad missiles. I don’t want it to sealclub either.

IMO the best solution would be to give the F-4C flares and better missiles, rename to F-4B (same exact 3D model) and place it at 10.7 or 11.0

We’re offtopic now tho, but yeah that’s my 2 cents

The Red Tops are still all aspect like they were, you just need to radar lock.

No, Not like they should be, you can just about barely get a front aspect lock vs something on full reheat like a F-104 + radar lock, and even then, the range is usually too close to work. I have only succesfully gotten a kill with a red top once in front aspect, and the F-104 was so close by the time I fired he had already badly damaged me with guns.

You should be able to comfortably lock onto something sub-sonic, with no reheat at a range of 3.5km, headon