Sea Harrier, Gr Harriers, AV-8A/AV-8C, and AV-8S discussion about flight performance

In the hover the Yak-38 is currently better than the Harrier in game. It even has an Auto Hover SAS mode it doesn’t lose 50% thrust just by moving forward either.

from what I understand. It is correct with the old FMs, but incorrect with the new FMs or something. But overall, The Harriers were very good.

The Harrier Gr1 was very good and only started suffering after all-aspects were added and SRAAMs were broken.

AV-8A, AV-8C and Harrier Gr3 are and were fairly solid, but the compression is just more punishing these days

The Harrier Gr7 was an absolute powerhouse monster when it was added and can still be very potent. But the BOL nerfs totally screwed its one major advantage and now it only ever sees missiles that are good at dealing with flares , including those IRCCM missiles all with a fraction of the CMs it once had

Things didnt really start going proprerly down hill for the Harriers until the SHars were added and they were even worse when added and were for 9 months until they got the correct radar and cockpit. Didnt touch it once in those 9 months, saw no point with the Gr7 so much better only 0.3 BR higher back then in SIM

The inclusion of IRCCM has just made the issues with heats sigs even worse, especially for those at BRs where they now always see them, like the FA2 and AV-8B+ jsut makes the heat sig issues way more pronounced than they ever were at 9.7


Couldnt have said better myself…

poor harriers :(

Yes the FA.2 is sometimes a real nightmare to play. I think the FM was the same since day 1 though.

The Harrier 2 is lacking like 10 degrees Max AOA achievable without VIFF and is seriously dangerous in a dogfight. It would be hilarious to see any F-15 or F-16 try turn fight a Harrier with its correct performance.

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Yeah, i’ve slapped more than a few in the Harrier Gr7 in its current state, would be hilarious even stronger and with the F-16s going down in BR. I dont think the Gr7 or any of the others would need a BR increase to compensate

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Yes, in fact with the BUFF I want them to get based off the data collected they could stay where they are, all of the Harriers.

All that would happen is supersonics would actually have to think about how to engage them instead of just doing anything and still winning. The Harriers would just be a little more competitive and that would basically be it.

In SIM however fighting one would be instant death lmao.

i LOVE this video


Yeah, for now, I dont think much would change, in the future, if the VIFF blocking IR signature stuff was ever added, then things would start moving up

Maybe. If VIFF is to be modeled correctly would that move them up?

I got to see the EAV-8B+ at RIAT last year. It was awesome.


the pulling up from hover mode… i dont even thing the harrier can do that in WT???

Watch this little comparison video I made lmao
VIFFing comparison

watch the rapid nose movement in the IRL test and than watch nothing happen at all in game.

Based upon Sharkey Ward’s book. That would mean that any rear-aspect IR missiles could be blocked through use of VIFF and all-aspect IR seekers wouldnt work in all-aspects against it anymore.

Combine with all the more basic buffs from the sooty exhaust to the FM overhaul and the Harriers would be a LOT stronger. Also that change would make the SHars much stronger because it would hopefully also make 9Ls harder to defeat

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That would be nice. Best part is it would be realistic. Unlike the MiG-23s performance.

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ME TOO! seeing both side by side was so good. The spanish AV8B was incredible on display! would love to see the TAV-8B as a premium just to have the last different model of the harrier ingame (even if its worse)

look at that black smoke… wait???



Those are some of my pics



we went on the Saturday with pretty crap weather. Im pretty new to aviation photography so my photos are RAW unedited (because i want to capture it like that, its more personal)

I do a lot of Photography so I’ve got both the kit and know how. But yeah, not over editting images is always great to do.


So smokey

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Question for you, the SEAM mode what does that do it just makes the seeker zone bigger?