Sea Harrier FRS1 AIM9L being flared too easily?

I feel they are bugged as they are defeated by one puff of flares, on other platforms that use the AIM9L they seem fine. am I imagining this or are they just bugged or bad on this platform?

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I find their performance can vary wildly from match to match sometimes. But nothing of significance from the FRS1

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They have been a bit iffy but I’ve seen them straight up ignore a large salvo.

I’ve also them make a turn for a single flare, but they mostly hit around 2.5km

I’ve also had success firing them far off, around 4-5km seems to get kills.

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Just had a further thought. Some targets at the Sea Harriers BR, like the F5C have weirdly cold engines, which makes flare more effective in turn.

So that might be part of the issue you are facing.

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i have only had success firing from high above which people don’t expect/ is out of their field of vision

that may be my issue, it may not be the missile but the planes at that br may not have hot enough engines making flaring easier, thank you i never thought about that being a possibility.

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