Sd.Kfz.251/9 has coaxial machine gun?

According to wikipedia, the Sd.Kfz.251/9 has a coaxial MG.42 in a 1944 upgrade.

Can we make this a researchable modification as the Sd.Kfz.251/9’s gun is horrible and a coaxial machine gun would help against planes and open top vehicles


Not only according to Wiki, but if you referring to Enlisted too, the Sd.Kfz.251/9 have already is coaxial MG-42 in this game.

I don’t’ personally understand this lack of updating WW2 models in War Thunder with the share assets from both game.

And don’t forget the Sd.Kfz.234/3 in War Thunder, same gun and have already the coaxial MG-42.


Yes, i also made a report some time ago, now waiting for the years to come if ever, knowing how quick gaijin works in auch cases…
That both the Coax and AA mg are missing is really annoying, it could have saved my butt so many times.

Genereally i made a bunch of reports and till now only like 2 were fixed, the too high position of the gunner and problems with the gunshield, BUT MANY ARE STILL THERE plates that only count as 1 plate, big holes, missing plate and so on.


Because one has a dedicated tank system and another is just a extension of it, unfortunately.