Sd.Kfz.251/10 Ausf. B mit Wurfrahmen 40

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I would like to suggest this unique Sd.Kfz.251/10 Ausf. B mit Wurfrahmen 40, while the nomal 251s with the Wurfrahmen 40 were only armed with a Mg 34 or Mg 42, this one still has a 37mm gun and by that wouldnt be defenceless after 6 shots.

Wurfrahmen 40 or “Stuka zu Fuß” (Stuka on foot) were very cheap very high caliber (300 mm He, 280 mm He and 320mm HE Incendary rockets, that were placed and fired from their metal or even wooden transport frames, that could be mounted on vehicles such as the Sd.Kfz.251 and more captured equipment even other tanks as well as directly fired from the frame standing on the ground.
It was designed as a standart unguided mass rocketed system to support the Infantry and give them cheap, high performance He action against fortified positions and reinforced structures.

Rockets would be fired against open targets and the wooden (or metal) boxes dropped, to lighten the weight.

History of the Sd.Kfz.251:
The AHA IN6 (Inspectorate of Motorized Troops) requested a armored Half track to accompany tanks on the offensive and perform auxiliary mission in 1939. These tasks were (not limited to) Scouting, mobile HQ, command vehicle, radio vehicle, forward observer and ammo carrier. And be a bigger version to the then also in development Sd.Kfz.250, its smaller brother.
It was an development of the Sd.Kfz.11, which was made by Demag, who was allready recognized for their expertise in very small and fast half tracks, which was recently accepted into service. Of these Sd.Kfz.11 were around 12.000 produced until 1945 and additional 15.252 of the armored version Sd.Kfz.251. The armored body was designed and produced by Büssig-NAG abd called Mittlerer gepanzerter Mannschafts Transportwagen (medium armored troop transporter) with the number Sd.Kfz.251.

In game it would offer a vehicle (for Event or so) that has a relatively unique weapon system, as these are unguided high caliber rockets that can barely be aimed, but even near hits will show great effect.
Similar vehicle allready in game is the RBT-5
However duo to their minimum range, they are less for close combat and more for stikes further away, with exception when the ground (and by that downwards angling of the vehicle) allowes for close range attacks.

Metal box 20 kg and wooden box 40 kg

Pictures:(Click to show)

This unique /10 Ausf. B


Other normal 251s with Wurfrahmen 40


The Ammo:(Click to show)
The 28 cm has the highes filler, the 30 cm is the fastest and usable at the closest range and the incendary has still good He filler with great Incendary filler, like incendary Bombs from planes.

28 cm Wurfkörper Spr.


1204mm long, 82 kg 50kg Fp.02 and Np.10 Filler (64 kg TnTa), 6,5 kg Propellant. Reaches after 160m the full speed of 145 m/s
Usage is for general open targets such as a big group of people. Range is between 750m and 1925m.
Not ideal against specific targets, except for self defence.

30 cm Wurfkörper 42 Spr.


1181mm long, 300mm diameter, 127 kg, 45 kg Fp.02 and Np.10 Filler (57,6 kg TnTa), 15,1 kg Propellant. Reaches after 240m the full speed of 230 m/s
Usage is for general open targets such as a big group of people. Range is between 500m and 4550m.
Not ideal against specific targets, except for self defence.

32 cm Wurfkörper Flamm


1282mm long, 337mm diameter, 79 kg 40 kg Oil mixture, 1,56 kg He filler (Pent), 6,5 kg Propellant. Reaches after 160m the full speed of 145 m/s
Usage is for general open targets such as a big group of people. Range is between 750m and 2200m.
Not ideal against specific targets, except for self defence.

3,7 cm Pak L/45 and Mg 34/42 in AA mount (at the back)
216 / 2010 Rounds of ammo. -10° to + 20° Elevation, +/- 15° Traverse

Pzgr. Aphe 0,685 kg 13g Pent 745 m/s 47mm/10m


Pzgr. 40 APCR 0,368 kg 16x58 mm 150 g Core 1020 m/s 86mm/10m


Sprgr. 40 He 0,665 kg 45 g Pent ( 76,5g TnTa) 780 m/s


The Vehicle:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 14.5 mm (20°) Engine compartment
14.5 mm (29°) Driver cabin
8 mm (42°) Lower glacis 8 mm (41°) Top - Engine
8 mm (35°) Top - Crew compartment
8 mm (19°) Bottom - Engine
8 mm (34°) Bottom - Crew compartment
8 mm + 8 mm (34°) Storage bins
8 mm Bottom - Undercarriage 8 mm (30°)
5.5 mm (41°) Lower glacis 8 mm (9°) Engine compartment
5.5 mm Driver compartment

Speed: 53 km/h
Weight: 8 ton
Engine: 100 Ps/2800 Rpm

Picture Private Gallery
D.435 Handbuch Die deutschen R-Werfer und Abgangsgeräte mit ihrer Munition
Sd.Kfz.251 Manual

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There is actually more vehicles that can use the Wurfrahmen 40 check this

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Just found out about this vehicle, I would love to see it. I think this would be a good way to include the Sd.Kfz.251 version of the Wurfrahmen 40. The rockets had to be traversed on the frame manually from what I understand, so the crew had to get out to aim the rockets vertically. So it would probably only be able to aim the rockets while stopped or at low speeds. Then again I’m not sure how the traverse mechanism works here, so maybe they could reach over the side and push the frames while still inside the vehicle?
Also, according to Tank Encyclopedia, there was room to store two additional rockets in the vehicle. This would give it 8 rockets to fire without rearming, which would go up to 16 total rockets with the ammo box feature.