A brummbär with a weak spot if that going to give us a brummbär in the TT then i am all in +1
Always in favor of improving vehicles already in the game. +1 as a tech tree variant.
Well done with the sheer volume of resources and research. Would love to see this in game as a TT vehicle
+1 for tech tree
I was recently playing with the brummbar, and I would have paid anything for a miserable machine gun, so I hope they add this model to the game.
The missing smoke round:
Would make for a great TT or squadron version
Do you also have more info on the Minengeschoss?
No, I do not but I do believe that we already have the mine round in-game as it has a weight of 38 kg as opposed to the “long range shell” which is missing from the game (15 cm Jgr. Br. shell???) and should weigh 27 kg:
No the I.Gr. 38 is the normal He shell for the s.I.G.
I.Gr. Br is incendary → Infanterie Granate Brannt.
I would love to see an improved Brummbar, but this time in the Tech Tree instead as a Premium or Event vehicle.
I am not too keen on ammunition but as I understand it, we have numbers one & two in the game and numbers three through six are missing in-game:
Which one of these six is the 27 kg ‘long range shell’ or are you saying that it is not listed on this?
The list shows 7 shells, IGr.38 is not the mine shell.
The Minengeschoss would be the 27 kg Long range shell.
Where is the 7th? Also, how is a shell that is 11 kg lighter for longer range (38 - 27) the mine round? Shouldn’t it be heavier than 38 kg?
The number ist the weight, but year. And its a L/12 low velocity gun, the only way to increase range is to lower the weight.
I think that, for example, the Brummbar would not need that type of bullet, it would be more for the SIG33 as field guns. The Brummbar was an assault gun, so it would shoot at short distance against specific targets, and not against areas in indirect fire, which is where it is interesting to have more range.
I don’t understand why we have not more variants in the tech tree for some WW2 stuff like this.