Scottish Crew Voices for the Challenger DS

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The DS currently it uses the same British voice pack as all other vehicles in the British Tech Tree, but I would like to propose an alternative;

Scottish Crew Voices for the Challenger DS

The Challenger DS is a Premium MBT in the British Tech Tree, and portrays Call Sign 0C (“Zero Charlie”) of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (SCOTS DG) during Operation Granby, the British contribution to the 1991 Gulf War. Under the British Army Callsign Matrix, 0C would have been the tank of the Commanding Officer of the RSDG, Lt Col John Sharples.

Recruiting from all over Scotland, the Regiment was formed in 1971 through the amalgamation of the 3rd Carabiniers and The Royal Scots Greys. They are the senior Scottish Regiment and the oldest surviving Cavalry Regiment of the Line in the British Army.

Scottish Crew Voices for the Challenger DS would add both historicity and further character to War Thunder, and reflect the multi-national nature of both the United Kingdom and the British Army. Scottish English, Gaelic, the Scots language have rich, unique vocabularies, history, and quirks, with many regional variations. Scottish voices have frequently added character and authenticity in popular media such as The Last Samurai, Outlander, Brave, and James Bond.

The Challenger DS represents an opportunity to add Scottish crews in War Thunder, and could also be expanded to the whole British Tree through voice randomisation per match.



You know, there’d be something extremely heartwarming about hearing some scottish accents and bagpipes as you and your crew let loose on an enemy tank. Definitely a yes from me.


+1. More unintelligible gibberish should be added to the game.


(This is a sentence)


I’m not at all joking when I say this change alone would make me buy the DS despite already having the whole tree unlocked.


What about having hull ERA and NERA?

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Will it come with a translator?


Agreed, and this leads onto the topic of why Premiums should be fun, and more than just a fast way of getting up the tree.

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Related, I really wish they would change it to like Challenger (Op Granby) or something.

Desert Storm was the American code name, not the British one.